

Un projet entrepreneurial et économique pour un territoire résilient apprenant et inclusif. Un lieu hybride d’expérimentation et d’innovation : culturel, entrepreneurial et économique,citoyen et sociétal.

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This year, the report takes on special meaning. The year 2020 was immensely different from any in our history. Covid-19 began its spread across the world in heartbreaking ways, and the fight continues today to end this pandemic.

Devastating wildfires underscored the fragility of our planet and the clear and present threat of climate change. Tragic injustice revealed how much more we must do as a society to advance equity and social justice in our communities and countries. Millions struggled to put food on the table and a roof over their heads as the pandemic was on the rise…

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08 Sep At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world

We are happy to share with you the release of the book « At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world »

By Laura Petrache & Yannick Le Guern, Preface by Jonathan Midwood

Insight: At the time when many have lost hope amidst pandemic times, terrorism, environmental destruction, economic inequality and breakdown of our democracies, this philosophic and politic essay provides ideas on how to rethink and reform our Society to create a better humanity.

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Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution du livre A L’AUBE DE L’HUMANITÉ-Idées concrètes pour changer le monde“. Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, Préface de Fulvio Caccia.

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06 Juil La campagne internationale « BE ONE HUMANITY »

La campagne internationale baptisée BE ONE HUMANITY en bref:

Son premier but est de donner un récit commun positif à l’Humanité, une identité qui permet de révéler et transcender les individus et de se sentir appartenir à une même race, humaine, à un même peuple, celui de la terre, à un même monde, à préserver. Chacune des personnes photographiées devient ambassadrice de l’humanité. Les personnes représentent à la fois des individualités, des communautés spécifiques et l’unité humaine qui les rejoint toutes. C’est la richesse de la diversité, de l’unicité et de l’unité. #BeOneHumanity

Son deuxième but est de lever des fonds permettant de financer des projets concrets d’innovation sociétale, humaine, citoyenne sur les 5 continents. #RevealHumanity

Son troisième but est de créer un écosystème d’entrepreneuriat sociétal, responsable, humain, glocal.  Permettant de bâtir ensemble une humanité meilleure et plus seulement de vivre ensemble, à travers des comportements et des projets communs. Les projets sont financés, accompagnés et pilotés au sein de ces lieux d’innovation sociétale. Chacun des lieux d’innovation sociétal est ancré dans un territoire local et relié aux autres lieux et au monde, afin de favoriser les échanges de bonnes pratiques entre écosystèmes innovants internationaux, les mobilités et les ponts interculturels entre les peuples, les communautés, les cultures. #BuildHumanity

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15 Mar L’outil en main

Creating knowledge, building confidence, and breaking down barriers to opportunity with « L’outil en main » association.

Traditional craftsmanship is in need of a new self-understanding and increased public awareness of its value to society.

Entire occupational fields are threatened with extinction along with their associated bodies of knowledge and skills, and it is high time that these negative tendencies be countered—not only as a sustainable answer to global mass-market production and excessive consumption, but also in the interest of providing future generations with training and career opportunities that are both sensible and promising.

#children, # open #door to a better life.

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09 Mar B1-AKT Partenaire de l’exposition collective En Otro /Em Outro Poder

L’exposition collective En Otro /Em Outro Poder, présentée au centre de création Le 6b du 06 au 20 mars 2021, propose une constellation d’expériences et d’œuvres d’art réalisées par 15 artistes latino américain.e.s qui s’interrogent sur des sujets brûlants de l’actualité mondiale comme les rapports de pouvoir et de domination entre peuples et territoires, la crise environnementale, la [re]construction, [re]invention et [re]connaissance des identités et cosmovisions marginales ainsi que la fin de l’hégémonie de la rationalité et de l’universalisme occidental et son régime de [in]visibilité.

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25 Jan ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’

We are very happy to share with you this great news: the book ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’ is now available! Special thank you to our founder Laura Petrache and our Global Sustainable Leader Angela Tacea.

More than 80 VUB academics and co-authors joined forces for this book. Philosophers, lawyers, psychologists, health scientists, sociologists, geographers, criminologists, communication and political scientists … look at migration, equality and racism from different disciplinary angles. Together they aim to contribute to an exercise of humanism as a praxis of criticism or a ‘technique of trouble-making’, in the words of Edward Said.

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18 Nov Newsletter B1-AKT Insider -November Issue

Dear Readers our November Issue of our Newsletter is out!


Today, the pandemic has resulted in tragic loss of life, disproportionately impacting the poor and those with underlying health conditions, and devastating lives and livelihoods. Through these challenging times, we have all been inspired by a new definition of the term “essential” — a realization that material things may not be critical, but people are.

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13 Nov Strategic PMO with B1-AKT

Leading projects is challenging during the best of times – the current pandemic is surely going to make the job more difficult. If your PMO is on lockdown, as most of us are, we encourage you to try to find the positive amongst the storm.

In the world of business, we often don’t have the opportunity to stop and reflect on how the PMO is performing, communicating, or adding value to the organisation.

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29 Oct Tribune « Le terrorisme ne terrorisera pas ! » Yannick Le Guern

« Le terrorisme ne terrorisera pas ! »

L’ignominie, le crime, le ressentiment, la peur, la haine et la violence ne gagneront pas.

Le terrorisme cherche à terroriser c’est-à-dire à faire perdre toute intelligence, tout recul aux individus et aux peuples, à rentrer dans la spirale reptilienne de la peur, des émotions négatives et de l’affrontement inévitable, des chocs de civilisations, des replis identitaires, communautaires ou nationaux pendant trop longtemps manipulés pas nos gouvernants et maintenant par les fanatismes de tout bord.

Ne nous laissons pas entrainer dans cette spirale et opposons fermement à la haine et à l’obscurantisme l’Esprit des Lumières, à la peur la Raison, à la violence la Justice.

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Today, the pandemic has resulted in tragic loss of life, disproportionately impacting the poor and those with underlying health conditions, and devastating lives and livelihoods.

Through these challenging times, we have all been inspired by a new definition of the term “essential” — a realization that material things may not be critical, but people are.

Essential workers are our everyday heroes and deserve to be recognized and celebrated, now more than ever.
They need urgent as well as long-term support. These frontline workers are standing up for us today. We need to stand up for them !

Please read and download our WE ARE ONE Campaign report here :

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15 Oct Our Newsletter is out

#Reliable, #Influential, #Essential Our B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication Insider Newsletter engages with the best minds and sharpest insights around biggest challenges. For #leaders building a #sustainable #future

Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay positive.  #WEAREONE

Please read here: B1-AKT INSIDER

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14 Oct Boost wellbeing with Create Seven our UK based partner

« The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with nature. »  Joseph Campbell.  These famous words have provided inspiration and wonderings for « Create Seven » in recent times.  What would business be like if we sought to find greater harmony and be more natural in our way of being in bringing ourselves to work and leadership?   

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12 Oct Beyond the pandemic with B1-AKT

While many companies are past the initial emergency response, they now need to start looking ahead as well. Business requires a proactive and agile approach to business performance to address the immediate future beyond the pandemic and create a minimum viable & opportunity  plan.

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09 Oct « Crafting for Change » Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “ Crafting for Change. Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina.“  published by our Sustainable Leader & Designer Natalia Baudoin, in the academic magazine Economía Creativa from Centro University from Mexico. The article analyses the methodology as well as the results of Crafting for change Project that we support & fully endorse.

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30 Sep Catalogue conseil formation accompagnement B1 AKT Service Public & Collectivités Territoriales


Les élections municipales des 15 mars et 28 juin dernier 2020 ont amorcé un renouvellement important parmi les quelque 503 305 élus locaux que comptent nos 35 000 communes. La séquence électorale de 2021 amènera, quant à elle, nos concitoyens à élire 4 000 conseillers départementaux et 1 900 conseillers régionaux.

Dans ce contexte, B1-AKT, agence de conseil stratégique et organisme de formation spécialisée dans l’accompagnement des élus et de leurs équipes, vous propose d’être à vos côtés dans la mise en œuvre de vos projets locaux, dans l’évolution et la transformation des services proposés à vos administrés.

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At B1-AKT, we promote a holistic Diversity & Inclusion approach. We believe that a company culture focused on diversity and inclusion is the key driver of creativity and innovation. Our ability to deliver excellent results is fueled by and dependent on our ability to embed Diversity & Inclusion in our corporate culture and the way we do business.

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21 Sep Why We Craft – Cultural Sustainability in Fashion -Project

We are very proud to announce that  our Global Sustainable Leader Monica Boța Moisin CEO Founder of  Cultural IP Rights Initiative  made it to the Finals of the European Social Innovation Competition with  WhyWeCraft – Cultural Sustainability in Fashion Project! Congratulations to all 10 Finalists!  

The 2020 Competition is titled Reimagine Fashion – changing behaviours for sustainable fashion.

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07 Sep Managing by Values with Yannick Le Guern

Managing by Values

Leaders understand it and tap into this “inner voice” to manifest their vision, values and culture, mission, strategies, and actions. Listen to it. Our inner voice calls us, nudges, or sometimes shoves us – into increasing levels of greatness. Particularly when we can focus on service to others: employees, customers, vendors, communities, and other stakeholders.

To lead with soul requires that you know what you deeply value, and you shape your life and business around your truest desires. It calls you to practice the art of presence, and to choose, daily, a way of living, leading, and working that contributes to wholeness and renewal.

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02 Sep « B1-AKT » There can be only one!

C’est la rentrée ! B1-AKT vous conseille, forme et accompagne dans votre reprise d’activité. Salariés qui désirez anticiper l’avenir ou vous reconvertir, formez-vous et obtenez des nouvelles compétences pour enrichir votre CV.

PME, TPE, entrepreneurs, chefs d’entreprises, membres de CODIR, nous vous accompagnons pour préparer votre entreprise et votre organisation dès maintenant pour limiter les risques économiques ; sauvegarder votre activité et saisir de nouvelles opportunités.

Plus d’information ici: GLOBAL SERVICES

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24 Juil Partnership Announcement

B1-AKT and MMG are pleased to announce they have entered into a global strategic partnership, combining B1-AKT’s leading management consulting services with MMG’s world class strategy-led enterprise delivery training services. The B1-AKT-MMG partnership brings together deep skills in business and strategy, product ideation, organizational change management, complex project steering and innovation labs, in order to help support clients through successful transformations. 

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29 Juin Emission/Webinar 2020-07-06 : « Vers une humanité meilleure ? Towards a Better humanity ? » Invité Umesh Mukhi

Webinar gratuit sur Zoom – LIEN:

Meeting ID: 953 6130 7663

Date : Lundi 6 juillet

Heure : 18h – 19h Paris Time

Questions abordées :

Quelles sont les mutations concrètes du monde ? Vers quoi vont-elles ? Que sont les changements de paradigmes sociétaux, les nouvelles aspirations des individus et des peuples ? Comment interpréter la montée de la violence, des revendications et l’accélération de la remise en cause de ces paradigmes ? Quels sont les nouveaux engagements/responsabilités citoyens individuels et collectifs ? Peut-on évoluer lors des périodes de chaos ? Quelles sont les destructions-créatrices nécessaires ?

Intervenants :

Umesh Mukhi : Professeur en Management et Leadership – FGV EAESP, São Paulo School of Business Administration, Ambassadeur culturel Unesco, Co-Fondateur du réseau Global Sustainable Leaders.

Interviewé par Yannick Le Guern – Professeur en Sciences de Gestion et Entrepreneuriat, Président de B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication, journaliste, prospectiviste, entrepreneur, humaniste, co-fondateur de nombreux Think Tanks et du réseau international Global Sustainable Leaders.

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19 Juin Connectivity Forum « From Ancestors to Artificial Intelligence. Case study Minoan Civilization ». Best practices and lessons learned for the #SDGs

Our UK based partner BeyondCSR is presenting Monday June 22nd to July 2nd, the first Connectivity Forum « From Ancestors to Artificial Intelligence. Case study Minoan Civilization ». Best practices and lessons learned for the #SDGs.

This event is held under the auspices of B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication, École des Ponts Business School, UN SDSN Greece, Εθνικός Οργανισμός Τουρισμού – ΕΟΤ (Greek National Tourism Organization – GNTO) , Cultural IP Initiative and Led By Her.

Why, Minoan Civilization: Minoan Civilization. as an archetypal connecting point, providing (potential) retrospective reference anchors to ideas that might be important for the future. The focus of the conference is on sustainability and resilience.

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Our Newsletter is out! « There are times when our work impacts us deeply — sometimes in ways we neither acknowledge nor understand. At B1-AKT, we believe that knowledge is most valuable when put to use for the greater good.

Change takes time. Social and environmental challenges such as persistent poverty, climate change or racism cannot be solved with a short-term mind-set.

Businesses and investors have the ability and the responsibility to help steer our world onto a more sustainable path. It is the beneficial impact of businesses and of human entrepreneurial spirit that we seek to harness in our bid to help, contributing towards a better world, for current and future generations. The impact you choose to highlight can be wide ranging and can affect many aspects of people’s lives.  We all have impact on the histories we are creating today! What is yours?

Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay positive.

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