
01 Mar Conference  » Linguistical politics and multilinguism in Europe » Y. Le Guern – L. Petrache

université paris diderot sorbonne these recherche langue B1-AKT le guern yannick Petrache1
Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache – B1-AKT donnent une conférence  sur le thème  » Apprentissage des langues et intégration sociale – Ressorts interculturels du Migrant Integration Lab « 

UFR d’études interculturelles de Langues Appliquées. Université Paris-Diderot.

Séminaire doctoral « Politiques Linguistiques et plurilinguisme en Europe ». Sous la direction de J.C. Herreras.


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01 Mar Partnership for Migrant Entrepreneurship


B1-AKT Migrant Integration Lab & Make Sense unite for Migrant Entrepreneurship support and incubation.

B1-AKT – Migrant Integration Lab & MakeSense s’associent afin de donner l’opportunité aux migrants et réfugiés d’être accompagnés dans leurs démarches entrepreneuriales par une équipe spécialisée et par un réseau de mentors en postulant à l’appel à projet pour participer au programme MENT – Migrant Entrepreneur team up with mentors.


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25 Fév B1-AKT and CMA-Life Long Learning World Commitee join forces

 « B1-AKT  teams-up with CMA in order to build 1000 learning territories world-wide»

The original goal that led to the creation of the World Committee, stemmed from the observation that the lifelong learning concept had evolved in the 1990s from a recommendation to a necessity, owing to the advent of the Knowledge Society, in which the sharing of knowledge and skills are a key factor.

CMA is an international NGO in active partnership with UNESCO. They all share a strong determination to contribute to a harmonious development of the lifelong learning sector.
The World Committee was created in 2004 by a team of French, Chinese, North-American and Quebec professionals.

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30 Jan « Empowering Social Entrepreneurs for Innovation and for a sustainable civil society » with Yannick Le Guern

« Empowering Social Entrepreneurs for Innovation and for a sustainable civil society with Yannick Le Guern« 

Today, a culture of entrepreneurship that encourages and supports the five skills -questioning, observing, networking, experimenting and associative thinking -is increasingly powerful.
Unfortunately, a natural pattern in the evolution of the French enterprises makes it very difficult for established companies to do this. In the earliest stages of any new business, the most important thing is to come up with a product or service that people will pay for; and this is the stage when the five discovery skills are so important.

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19 Jan B1-AKT at the French Senate – AI Issues

B1-AKT, au Sénat pour les auditions sur l’Intelligence artificielle par l’Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques (OPECST).

The choice of whether to make artificial intelligence our servant, or whether to become its servant, remains ours, individually and, more important, collectively. The more powerful and pervasive artificial intelligence becomes, the more important it will be for human beings to recall what it is to be human, and to carve out the space — physical, mental, and economic — for that humanity to thrive.

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10 Déc Congrès mondial pour la pensée complexe – UNESCO


Congres Mondial pour la pensée complexe-Celebrating 70 years of UNESCO. Yannick Le Guern, Edgar Morin, Daniel Janicot, Pierre-Julien Dubost, Fulvio Caccia, Esther Dubois, Khadija Moudnib, Laura Petrache, les Mariannes de la République

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09 Déc Yannick Le Guern and Laura Petrache joined the Board of Beyond CSR

We are proud to announce our partnership and collaboration with Beyond CSR – UK  in Creative Leadership, Design Thinking Labs, Awareness Campaigns, Policy and Culture Innovation. Experts on Complex Issues & Sustainable Communities Builders. Excited to be part of the board!

Based in UK, BeyondCSRNet are a team of experts from diverse backgrounds committed in social innovation and entrepreneurship as cornerstones of impact activity.

They turn CSR into an Impact Investement tool. Develop CSR into a Systemic Change Mechanism.Design tailor-made funding solutions in order to support international or regional projectsof wide social impact within  that lead to Community Development and Systemic Change.

More on : Beyond CSR

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28 Nov Global Sustainable Leaders Meet up & Working Session

Our sustainable social and business models are creating a larger awareness and social Impact.


  • Promote International Development
  • Develop Sustainable Leaders by means of Programs and Trainings, Labs and Sustainable Learning
  • Promote cooperation with other countries

We Raise awareness about the actions carried out at local, national and international levels by institutions and governments in favor of innovation, dialogue, understanding and cooperation among peoples, cultures and religions and also act by implementing social and societal projects.

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24 Nov Tribune pour une véritable politique européenne d’intégration des migrants

« Tribune pour une véritable politique européenne d’intégration des migrants »

Quelques semaines après le démentellement de la jungle de calais, les questions de fond ne sont toujours pas résolues, faute d’avoir été posées, … et surtout entendues par les pouvoirs publics. Sur le terrain, les associations font du mieux qu’elles peuvent pour répondre à des situations de crises, d’urgence permettant de pallier l’indigence et la honte du non-accueil des réfugiés politiques, ou économiques.

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18 Nov Dispositif d’intégration pérenne des migrants – Assemblée Nationale

Présentation du dispositif d’intégration pérenne des migrants – Assemblée Nationale.

A migration crisis? Facts, challenges and sustainable solutions-Migrant Integration Lab – Laura Petrache, Yannick Le Guern

Since the beginning of 2014, approximately 800,000 people have arrived at EU borders through irregular channels, fleeing conflict and violence at home or in search of a better life abroad. This migration surge has become a highly sensitive political issue, generating intense political and public debate and exacerbating pre-existing weaknesses in immigration systems across Europe.

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17 Nov Migrant Integration Lab – RFI – Laura Petrache

«Migranţii şi romii au un punct comun : traversează o criză existenţială în ceeace priveşte integrarea lor socială» Laura Petrache

Cum să-i primim şi să-i integrăm mai bine pe migranţi şi pe membrii minorităţilor etnice ? Iată o întrebare la care încearcă să răspundă Laura Petrache. Românca în vârstă de 36 de ani, trăită şi formată în California după o primă parte a vieţii petrecută în România, s-a stabilit de peste un deceniu la Paris. Impreună cu soţul ei, Yannick Le Guern, ea a co-fondat societatea B1-AKT. Cu se ocupă această societate, ce misiuni şi-a fixat şi cu ce mijloace acţionează pe lângă migranţi.

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10 Nov Les Réfugiés seront les entrepreneurs de demain #MigrantsIntegrationLab

24 heures après l’élection de Donald Trump, Widoobiz a rencontré Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, dirigeants de la société B1-AKT / Leading Sustainable Strategies & Communication. Ils sont les créateurs du Premier laboratoire européen d’intégration des migrants, réfugiés et minorités ethniques, le « Migrant Integration Lab ».

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28 Oct Migrants Integration Lab at the European Commission

Building Migrant Integration Lab in Europe- Presenting the B1-AKT device”Migrant Integration Lab#European Commission #CabinetTimmermans

We empower Migrants / We Enhance Capacity Building / We create hybrid European Culture.

More Information on : Migrant Integration Lab

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29 Sep AKT AS-1 Sustainable Learning

“We are transforming communities into sustainables ones for the next generations”

Young people are citizens of today, not citizens in waiting. Education for citizenship is about developing in learners the ability to take up their place in society as responsible, successful, effective and confident citizens both now and in the future.

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06 Sep European Identity & interculturality projects – UNESCO Romania

European Identity & interculturality projects. A warm thank you to Daniela Popescu and Ani Matei – Unesco General Secretary – Romania.

Finding common ground

“Today we live in a “fractured world” and it is not only visible in world relations but is also continuously increasing, within societies. The rise of populism and protectionism is of concern to those who have relied on closer international cooperation to prosper.

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23 Août Women Leaders for Sustainable Cities and Villages

Women Leaders for Sustainable Cities and Villages: Caroline Fernolend (Mihai Eminescu Trust) and B1-AKT- Laura Iuliana &Yannick Le Guern

“If women ran the world, there would be no wars.” It’s an old stereotype, but there’s something to be said for the effects of more women in leadership positions.

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15 Juin B1-AKT & AKT AS-1 partenaires du « Festival International – La Nuit des Arts et des Mondes 2016 »

La 3ème édition de « La Nuit des Voyages aux bouts des Arts et des Mondes », festival des Arts et de l’Interculturalité créé en 2007, et portée par l’Association Arts-Mondes-Cultures s’est déroulée  du 21 mai au 14 juin, aux SHEDS de Pantin dans le petit Brooklyn – 21ème district.

Le festival a eu cette année, pour thème : « UNI(S)VERS LE RENOUVEAU ». Il était placé sous le patronage de la Commission Nationales Française pour l’UNESCO et de la Commission Nationale Roumaine pour l’UNESCO, du Mona Bismarck American Center et a bénéficié du soutien de la Ville de Pantin.


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11 Juin B1-AKT Acts for Global Citizenship & Philantropical innovation – Tesla Project


Atelier TESLA took place on 11 June 2016:

Keynote speaker was Aleksandar Protic, Chief coordinator of the Sorbonne University Tesla Memory Project, followed by Umesh Mukhi, Director of the Sustainable Leadership Initiative and the Academic Coordinator of the EuroMBA at Audencia Business School. The atelier TESLA was moderated by Milica Mitrovic, UNESCO.

The introduction was made by one of the organisers, Yannick Le Guern – director of the Golden Brain Art Investment Firm, president of the B1-AKT – Leading Sustainable Strategies and a former advisor to the French Minister of the Interior.


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10 Juin AKT AS-ONE soutient : Sensibles Quartiers et Opéra

AKT AS-1 a été heureux de soutenir l’opération Sensibles Quartiers et Opéra avec la Compagnie La Tempête dans le quartiers dis sensible, » les 4 Chemins », à Pantin lors du festival « La Nuit des Arts et des Mondes »

Ont été présentés : Vêpres – Sergei Rachmaninov (chœur) et Canticle of the Sun – Sofia Gubaidulina (chœur, percussions & violoncelle solo) sous la direction de Simon-Pierre Bestion, direction / 26 chanteurs / 2 percussions / 1 violoncelle.


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08 Juin Conférence – Renouveau individuel et collectif de l’action citoyenne – Paris

conference le guern tenzer

Nicolas Tenzer, Stéphane Bellocine, Gérard Souan, Aziz Seni, Annie Coll et Yannick Le Guern ont posé les bases d’un projet commun de société et du renouveau de l’action citoyenne.

Alain Bertho, directeur de la Maison des sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord a montré qu’il faut bien en passer par la délimitation de la largeur de spectre de ce « nous » qui a tant de peine à se définir aujourd’hui.


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05 Mai Open invitation : “Envisioning the global sustainable community in Pantin” by intercultural and art projects


May 21st – June 14th Values diversity. A sustainable community understands that a cross section of the human and natural environment reveals one constant: diversity. Human diversity and biodiversity are essential to a thriving social dynamic and web of life.

A sustainable community promotes and implements this truth through its policies regarding the built environment. It does not segregate or segment populations or elements of nature but integrates them into the fabric of the community. This will permit new arrived companies and existent ones, social integration and becoming social main sustainable actor.


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