Dear Readers our January Issue of our Newsletter is out! Insights: In difficult times, where our values are tested and challenged, the path of least resistance is to become entrenched in the comfort our views, values, and groups. To create and empower a high-performing team and organization, leaders need to learn to become #bridgebuilders and engage collaborative intelligence as it...

B1-AKT team is wishing you a Happy New Year filled with innovation, success, and a dash of magic. We are looking forward to another year of shared accomplishments and impact. Thank you to our B1-AKT team and all the people who made an impact this past year and who were « bridging » by creating meaningful connections and successful collaboration. Keep on...

This research seminar aims to deepen the ancient and contemporary ways of discovery and constructions of meaning, drawing on the philosophical, religious and spiritual traditions of humanity. How does humanity view its future in the face of global risks? How can we articulate the different traditions of meaning that have driven the history of peoples and cultures? Are contemporary cultural...

Welcome to our global sustainable leaders and communication officers #beonehumanity project Chryztina Harding-Graham and Esme Edworthy. Proud to have you on board! Let’s hear it from Chryztina and Esme:« My studies in English, philosophy, and law have inspired me to further explore social justice and sustainability in all aspects of the world, leading me to this company and their campaign for the...

HOW TO BUILD A BETTER HUMANITY In Franţa a apărut volumul „A l’aube de l’humanité. Idées concrètes pour changer le monde” – „In zorii umanităţii. Idei concrete pentru a construi o lume mai bună” (editura L’Harmattan). Co-autorii cărţii – Laura Petrache şi Yannick Le Guern – propun un diagnostic complet al actualelor şi viitoarelor crize şi sugerează noi viziuni, metode şi...

An entrepreneurial and economic project for a resilient, learning, and inclusive territory. A hybrid place of experimentation and innovation: a cultural, entrepreneurial, economic, citizen and societal place. A project incubator based on an international ecosystem of experts, mentors, and funders, to support concrete projects of societal, cultural and citizen innovation with a positive social impact. A place for accommodation, local telecommuting and coworking. A...