While many companies are past the initial emergency response, they now need to start looking ahead as well. Business requires a proactive and agile approach to business performance to address the immediate future beyond the pandemic and create a minimum viable & opportunity  plan. The following activities business leaders will need to start now: Start capturing lessons learned (As the business environment...

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “ Crafting for Change. Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina.“  published by our Sustainable Leader & Designer Natalia Baudoin, in the academic magazine Economía Creativa from Centro University from Mexico. The article analyses the methodology as well as the results of Crafting for change Project that we support...

CONSEILLER POUR TRANSFORMER Les élections municipales des 15 mars et 28 juin dernier 2020 ont amorcé un renouvellement important parmi les quelque 503 305 élus locaux que comptent nos 35 000 communes. La séquence électorale de 2021 amènera, quant à elle, nos concitoyens à élire 4 000 conseillers départementaux et 1 900 conseillers régionaux. Dans ce contexte, B1-AKT, agence de conseil stratégique...

Novel, innovative and creative solutions to business problems We develop high level in-depth knowledge of the latest theories and methodologies in business research and act as thought leaders for organizational change. Our Customers assume a significant and high-potential role as boundary-spanners between academia and business. We make sustainable development so attractive that it becomes normal and part of your company. We are...

Leaders understand it and tap into this “inner voice” to manifest their vision, values and culture, mission, strategies, and actions. Listen to it. Our inner voice calls us, nudges, or sometimes shoves us – into increasing levels of greatness. Particularly when we can focus on service to others: employees, customers, vendors, communities, and other stakeholders.To lead with soul requires that...

Today, business models and industries that can’t adapt to the new environment caused by COVID-19 will go extinct. This opens up opportunities for agile entrepreneurs to capitalize on this new, rapidly changing environment. Every crisis yields entrepreneurial opportunities.What are some challenges that you’ve experienced because of these and other behavioral changes? The opportunities you’re uncovering? Write them down. Each one...

B1-AKT and MMG are pleased to announce they have entered into a global strategic partnership, combining B1-AKT’s leading management consulting services with MMG’s world class strategy-led enterprise delivery training services. The B1-AKT-MMG partnership brings together deep skills in business and strategy, product ideation, organizational change management, complex project steering and innovation labs, in order to help support clients through successful...

Webinar gratuit sur Zoom – LIEN: https://fgv-br.zoom.us/j/95361307663 Meeting ID: 953 6130 7663 Date : Lundi 6 juillet Heure : 18h – 19h Paris Time Questions abordées : Quelles sont les mutations concrètes du monde ? vers quoi vont-elles ? Que sont les changements de paradigmes sociétaux, les nouvelles aspirations des individus et des peuples ? Comment interpréter la montée de la violence, des revendications et à l’accélération de la remise en...

Business Strategy Lab –Teamwill Consulting Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations and strategy. The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. People are the driving heart in everything we do, and the B1-AKT Strategy...