03 Oct AKT AS-1 et Séances sur Seine présentent au T2G (théâtre de Gennevilliers) :
Interviews et tables rondes interculturelles lors d’un café des langues avec Mariam Yazigi et Laura Petrache Le Guern.
Putting aside matters of employability, teaching yourself a new tongue is an invaluable skill: it can increase your mental health and general intelligence, not to mention make holidaying less stressful!
Here’s how to go about the task in super-fast time:
Read, watch or listen to foreign news reports
Embrace the possibilities of technology
Listen to songs and watch films in your target language
Visit the country or mix with native speakers as often as possible
Follow recipes and instructions in your target language
Adapt your attitude and overall lifestyle to show enthusiasm
Finally, the most important thing to get right is your attitude. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – they’re often the best way to learn.