Please complete the form Reliable, Influential, Essential our Newsletter engages with sharpest insights around biggest challenges. For leaders building a sustainable future.   ...

Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration, and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations, and strategy. The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. People are the driving heart in everything we do, and together with Humanistic team we were happy......

#Entrepreneurship comes with challenges, demanding significant resources such as capital, expertise and time. Many entrepreneurs grapple with entry barriers like insufficient funding, regulatory complexities and market saturation. Nevertheless, entrepreneurship emerges as a potent engine of growth and innovation for those who navigate these challenges, driving economic prosperity and enhancing lives. Entrepreneurs, known for their willingness to take risks, bring innovation.......

Inequalities between men and women are prevalent in our society, including in the labour market. To move towards gender equality in this area, Migrant Integration Lab Sustainable Solutions and Metishima works to promote female employment and entrepreneurship. To achieve this, we implement innovating programmes that take into account the specific issues faced by women and that can hinder their access......

Dear Readers our January Issue of our Newsletter is out! Insights: In difficult times, where our values are tested and challenged, the path of least resistance is to become entrenched in the comfort our views, values, and groups. To create and empower a high-performing team and organization, leaders need to learn to become #bridgebuilders and engage collaborative intelligence as it......

B1-AKT team is wishing you a Happy New Year filled with innovation, success, and a dash of magic. We are looking forward to another year of shared accomplishments and impact. Thank you to our B1-AKT team and all the people who made an impact this past year and who were « bridging » by creating meaningful connections and successful collaboration. Keep on......

Young people live in a society in which creating sustainable career opportunities is complex. Guidance is crucial to support motivated, smart career-choices and prevent early leaving from education and training for a number of reasons. The style of career counselling advocated at Mission Locale de Thiérache can help young people make meaning of their career-lives and (re-)kindle their sense of......

Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration, and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations, and strategy.  The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. People are the driving heart in everything we do, and together with Stainless team we were happy to......

Boost your management team’s effectiveness and performance with our onsite or virtual project management training. You can sign to our next session dedicated to management training here: About the training: 3 days (you get to choose: online or onsite) to acquire all the tools, practices, and postures necessary for the project manager (with or without experience). Price: 1890 € excluding......

When spirited talent collides with fresh and creative ideas! Congratulations to all LineUP7 global sustainable leaders to have successfully completed the training “complex project steering”. We hope it has been an interesting journey with a lot of learnings and valuable insights. We look forward seeing you implement the gathered knowledge and build sustainable organizational impact! B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies &......

Why values are important? The evidence shows that when organisations have strong values embedded in their culture they perform better and have higher levels of stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.  Research published by PwC highlights that companies with distinctive and aligned cultures are 2 times more successful with execution, and 1.8 times more likely to show higher profitability and growth. Moreover,......

This research seminar aims to deepen the ancient and contemporary ways of discovery and constructions of meaning, drawing on the philosophical, religious and spiritual traditions of humanity. How does humanity view its future in the face of global risks? How can we articulate the different traditions of meaning that have driven the history of peoples and cultures? Are contemporary cultural and spiritual syncretisms unsurpassable? What are the places where meaning emerges? How can we promote openness to complex thinking (E. Morin) which would integrate the question of meaning? ...

Welcome to our global sustainable leaders and communication officers #beonehumanity project Chryztina Harding-Graham and Esme Edworthy. Proud to have you on board! Let’s hear it from Chryztina and Esme:« My studies in English, philosophy, and law have inspired me to further explore social justice and sustainability in all aspects of the world, leading me to this company and their campaign for......

HOW TO BUILD A BETTER HUMANITY In Franţa a apărut volumul „A l’aube de l’humanité. Idées concrètes pour changer le monde” – „In zorii umanităţii. Idei concrete pentru a construi o lume mai bună” (editura L’Harmattan). Co-autorii cărţii – Laura Petrache şi Yannick Le Guern – propun un diagnostic complet al actualelor şi viitoarelor crize şi sugerează noi viziuni, metode......

An entrepreneurial and economic project for a resilient, learning, and inclusive territory. A hybrid place of experimentation and innovation: a cultural, entrepreneurial, economic, citizen and societal place. A project incubator based on an international ecosystem of experts, mentors, and funders, to support concrete projects of societal, cultural and citizen innovation with a positive social impact. A place for accommodation, local telecommuting and......

Building Global Industrial Solutions with Capelier #Metrology #IIOT #smartsolution #sustainability #impact #efficiency # cutting edge measurement #sustainablestrategies #metrologyforthedevelopmentofIndustry 4.0 #industrialperformance Manufacturing organizations face significant challenges: cost pressures, increased regulations, disruptive technologies and the increasingly costly delivery of raw material resources. Processes, workflows and the understanding of performance are dramatically changing. Operations can no longer work in linear execution, or in......

New Year’s wishes: a statement of peace, betterness, and cohesive societies. « Dearest Humanity,During the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded the world of its fragility and demonstrated the inherent risks of high levels of interdependence. In coming years, the world will face more intense and rapid global challenges. These challenges will repeatedly test the resilience and adaptability of communities,......

This year, the report takes on special meaning. The year 2020 was immensely different from any in our history. Covid-19 began its spread across the world in heartbreaking ways, and the fight continues today to end this pandemic. Devastating wildfires underscored the fragility of our planet and the clear and present threat of climate change. Tragic injustice revealed how much......

We are happy to share with you the release of the book « At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world » Laura Petrache & Yannick Le Guern, Preface by Jonathan Midwood Insight: At the time when many have lost hope amidst pandemic times, terrorism, environmental destruction, economic inequality and breakdown of our democracies, this philosophic and politic essay provides ideas......

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution du livre “A L’AUBE DE L’HUMANITÉ-Idées concrètes pour changer le monde“. Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, Préface de Fulvio Caccia. L’extension du domaine de la violence et les crises globales impliquent la mise en œuvre d’un nouveau modèle de société. Cet ouvrage présente une vision inédite, des idées concrètes et un......

We are happy and excited to share that the International Campaign Be One Humanity will be launched this fall 2021, and will serve to finance and accompany collaborative projects from all over the world, in order to build “a better humanity”. Aims & Concepts 1) The first aim: give a common positive story, narrative to Humanity, a common identity that......

The collective exhibition En Otro/Em Outro Poder, will be present at the creative center “Le 6b” from 6 th of March to 20 th of March, 2021. The Exhibition proposes a “constellation of experiences” and art works created by 15 Latin American artists. The artists are questioning complex topics such as: power and domination, the environmental crisis, the [re]construction, [re]invention......

Wanted Notice For « The Place to Be » project, we are looking for a place in France with cultural, historical or architectural interest (such as a castle, convent, abbey, industrial building,train station, bank or company headquarters, sheds etc.) to buy for a symbolic sum (1 € to 200 000 €) in order to create a  cultural, entrepreneurial and economic, citizen and......

We are very happy to share with you this great news: the book ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’ is now available! Special thank you to our founder Laura Petrache and our Global Sustainable Leader Angela Tacea. More than 80 VUB academics and co-authors joined forces for this book. Philosophers, lawyers, psychologists, health scientists, sociologists, geographers, criminologists, communication and political scientists … look......

Dear Readers our November Issue of our Newsletter is out! Insights: Today, the pandemic has resulted in tragic loss of life, disproportionately impacting the poor and those with underlying health conditions, and devastating lives and livelihoods. Through these challenging times, we have all been inspired by a new definition of the term “essential” — a realization that material things may......

Leading projects is challenging during the best of times – the current pandemic is surely going to make the job more difficult. If your PMO is on lockdown, as most of us are, we encourage you to try to find the positive amongst the storm. In the world of business, we often don’t have the opportunity to stop and reflect......

As Martin Luther King once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that.” These recent weeks and months have been marked by pain, fear and anger not just by the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the lives of our loved ones and our communities, but also by......

While many companies are past the initial emergency response, they now need to start looking ahead as well. Business requires a proactive and agile approach to business performance to address the immediate future beyond the pandemic and create a minimum viable & opportunity  plan. The following activities business leaders will need to start now: Start capturing lessons learned (As the......

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “ Crafting for Change. Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina.“  published by our Sustainable Leader & Designer Natalia Baudoin, in the academic magazine Economía Creativa from Centro University from Mexico. The article analyses the methodology as well as the results of Crafting for change Project that we support......

CONSEILLER POUR TRANSFORMER Les élections municipales des 15 mars et 28 juin dernier 2020 ont amorcé un renouvellement important parmi les quelque 503 305 élus locaux que comptent nos 35 000 communes. La séquence électorale de 2021 amènera, quant à elle, nos concitoyens à élire 4 000 conseillers départementaux et 1 900 conseillers régionaux. Dans ce contexte, B1-AKT, agence de......

Novel, innovative and creative solutions to business problems We develop high level in-depth knowledge of the latest theories and methodologies in business research and act as thought leaders for organizational change. Our Customers assume a significant and high-potential role as boundary-spanners between academia and business. We make sustainable development so attractive that it becomes normal and part of your company.......

Every four years since 1997, the National Intelligence Council has published an unclassified strategic assessment of how key trends and uncertainties might shape the world over the next 20 years to help senior US leaders think and plan for the longer term. The report is timed to be especially relevant for the administration of a newly elected US President, but......

Leaders understand it and tap into this “inner voice” to manifest their vision, values and culture, mission, strategies, and actions. Listen to it. Our inner voice calls us, nudges, or sometimes shoves us – into increasing levels of greatness. Particularly when we can focus on service to others: employees, customers, vendors, communities, and other stakeholders. To lead with soul requires......

Today, business models and industries that can’t adapt to the new environment caused by COVID-19 will go extinct. This opens up opportunities for agile entrepreneurs to capitalize on this new, rapidly changing environment. Every crisis yields entrepreneurial opportunities.What are some challenges that you’ve experienced because of these and other behavioral changes? The opportunities you’re uncovering? Write them down. Each one......

B1-AKT and MMG are pleased to announce they have entered into a global strategic partnership, combining B1-AKT’s leading management consulting services with MMG’s world class strategy-led enterprise delivery training services. The B1-AKT-MMG partnership brings together deep skills in business and strategy, product ideation, organizational change management, complex project steering and innovation labs, in order to help support clients through successful......

Webinar gratuit sur Zoom – LIEN: Meeting ID: 953 6130 7663 Date : Lundi 6 juillet Heure : 18h – 19h Paris Time Questions abordées : Quelles sont les mutations concrètes du monde ? vers quoi vont-elles ? Que sont les changements de paradigmes sociétaux, les nouvelles aspirations des individus et des peuples ? Comment interpréter la montée de la violence, des revendications et à......

Our UK based partner BeyondCSR is presenting Monday June 22nd to July 2nd, the first Connectivity Forum “From Ancestors to Artificial Intelligence. Case study Minoan Civilization”. Best practices and lessons learned for the #SDGs. This event is held under the auspices of B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication, École des Ponts Business School, UN SDSN Greece, Εθνικός Οργανισμός Τουρισμού –......

Our Newsletter is out! “There are times when our work impacts us deeply — sometimes in ways we neither acknowledge nor understand. At B1-AKT, we believe that knowledge is most valuable when put to use for the greater good. Change takes time. Social and environmental challenges such as persistent poverty, climate change or racism cannot be solved with a short-term......

When you are invited to talk in great events about CHANGE, you need to pick one of the two primary options: Option A- be smart, be safe, and tell: The infusion of new disruptive practices will be great, and moving forward it will be greater.Option B- take risks, listen your gut, expose and embrace the uncertainties, and tell: Disruptions empower......

“Today, we are faced with many challenges.  Some of those are: seeing human dignity in the faces of the poor, the migrant and the elderly; seeing our responsibility for many of whom live in abject poverty; seeing our responsibility for educating our children. So long as one, marginalized human being is considered a “problem” to be solved, we will continue......

The landscape of today’s problems is rapidly changing. While we’ve made significant progress, many existing social challenges continue to grow in magnitude and complexity, and each year new problems arise. That dramatic change will not be driven by traditional thinking. Designing solutions for today’s social problems requires an entrepreneurial approach, a mindset that embodies the characteristics of bold thinkers with......

Social Change Needs Our Soul! We are all leaders.  If we want to be a leader in the area of social change, we need to appreciate that learning leadership skills alone will not be enough to make a positive impact.  If you want to be a leader of change that has a positive social impact, pause and put the books......

Welcome on board Heroes behind the Shield! The project – Faceshield Nova Friburgo – was developed by professors of UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) and UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) in Nova Friburgo along side with Persona 3D company, in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The chief researcher of the project Edgard Poiate (Professor at UERJ/IPRJ) tells: «......

“Our world needs more heroes” Albert Einstein. Heroes come in many forms, young and old, male and female, who are mostly ordinary, everyday people whose acts of heroism qualify as extra-ordinary. The defining qualities of heroism are: intentional action in service to others in need, or to humanity by defending a moral cause, aware of potential risks and personal costs.......

2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife! As in many other countries, people have been applauding to demonstrate their respect for medical staff. Nurses should not be “Heroes, just for one day”. Nurses are suddenly called heroes, though their work has always been meaningful and saved lives, not just during the COVID-19 crisis. Even before the COVID-19......

The power of words should never be underestimated. Words have power and deeply influence our lives. They seep into our consciousness and influence our emotions and our behaviour. They shape how we see the world. Words consist of vibration and sound. It is these vibrations that create the very reality that surrounds us. Words are the creator; the creator of......

Profitez-en pour vous former avec des formations intégralement prises en charge. Salariés en chômage partiels, qui désirez anticiper l’avenir ou vous reconvertir, formez-vous et obtenez des nouvelles compétences pour enrichir votre CV. PME, TPE, Entrepreneurs, chefs d’entreprises, membres de CODIR, suivez le  Webinar« Kit de survie – Déconfinement business » pour préparer votre entreprise et votre organisation dès maintenant pour limiter les......

Dear Readers, If there is one thread linking the greatest challenges facing our society, economy and planet it’s the tension between short-term and long-term thinking. Across the public and private sectors, that is now changing, with more and more decision-makers working to make the shift to what we are calling a sustainable future.  Much has been written about the increasingly......

As we are preparing to come out of lockdown. People around the World has one thing in mind, what will be the new normal post COVID 19 lockdown. In order to answer this question, the leading team of “You Learn I Learn” got together once again to have a fruitful discussion. Here below we are sharing with you all few......

Cette interview du journaliste Stéphane Aubouard met en lumière des concepts innovants — Transition Design, approches Holonomiques, Action Ecosystémique, Hybridation culturelle, ou Win3 — à utiliser par les entrepreneurs, les politiques et tous les porteurs de projets œuvrant en faveur d’une transition, d’une évolution du monde. « Nous défendons un entrepreneuriat politique, engagé et citoyen » Pour Laura Petrache et......

Much has been written about the increasingly urgent need for radical approaches to business, leadership, social change, and economics. The challenge now is how to encourage those in business and beyond to embrace an ecological perspective where intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions of complex systems are understood. One of the most important pillars within the Holonomics approach is a concept called......

Word of the day:  Skeuomorphism. This is a term that will be familiar to designers. Skeuomorph /ˈskjuːə(ʊ)mɔːf/ noun: skeuomorph; plural noun: skeuomorphs an object or feature which imitates the design of a similar artefact made from another material. an element of a graphical user interface which mimics a physical object Skeuomorphs are used in design for a number of reasons,......

Super Man. Wonder Woman, you can take a break. The coronavirus pandemic has called for a new squadron of real-life heroes to protect the planet on the frontlines of the crisis. B1-AKT launches a series of International Portraits concerning Heroes of the Front Lines against the Covid 19 global pandemic (women and men). We Are One Social Media Campaign puts......

“We look at the present through a rearview mirror. We march backwards into the future.” Through technological advancements, demographic change, internet convergence, and the growing power of social networking and social collaboration, the next 20 years will drive us to apply the opportunities to lead a more meaningful life. Innovating to Zero is a radical future concept where the focus......

Today we invite you to shape the future! Visions for transitions to sustainable societies are needed, based upon the reconception of entire life-styles that are human scale, place-based, but globally connected in their exchange of technology, cuture and information. These visions are based upon communities that are in symbiotic relationships to the ecosystems within which they are embedded. Transition Design......

Systemic Innovation The term ‘systemic innovation’ is increasing in use. However, there is no consensus on its meaning: four different ways of using the term can be identified in the literature. Most people simply define it as a type of innovation where value can only be derived when the innovation is synergistically integrated with other complementary innovations, going beyond the......

Helps design innovative new kinds of collectively intelligent solutions to solve important problems. Do you have a big challenge that you are looking to solve in a new way? Would you like to truly harness the intelligence of the people in your organization to solve the problem? The “WE ARE ONE”  ( Collective Intelligence) Lab leverages the expertise of our......

Our Newsletter Of April issue is out! “Dear Readers, Businesses and families are going through challenging times with the current Covid19 crisis, but it will pass and as such, we need to start to think of new ways and  ‘out of the box’ solutions of how we address the post-Covid19 world. Lets us dive in… Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay......

This year on April 26th we celebrated the World IP Day but also two years of existence of the Cultural IP Rights Initiative, that we support and endorse from its very beginning. The initiative is designed to be a worldwide movement supporting the recognition of cultural IP rights© for craftsmen and women who are the custodians and transmitters of traditional......

We are proud to share the work outputs of our Global Sustainable Leader & FWO postdoctoral fellow Angela Tacea on “Inter-institutional Power Dynamics in the European Decision-Making Process: an Analysis of the Impact of Rule Change on Policy Outputs” The evolution of the interinstitutional balance of powers has been a constant feature of the European integration process. On the one......

In this webinar you will be able to: Explore key factors for understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your business Receive concrete guidance and sustainable solutions for building a business continuity plan, resilience and moderate annual exercises to ensure your plan as to efficiently mitigate realistic disruption Analyze the impacts on your business diagnosis Apply an immediate COVID-19......

PME, TPE, Entrepreneurs, chefs d’entreprises, n’attendez pas le 11 mai pour un déconfinement business. B1-AKT met ses experts à votre disposition pour faire le point, préparer votre entreprise dès maintenant pour limiter les risques économiques, sauvegarder votre activité et saisir les opportunités. Salariés en chômage partiels, qui désirez anticiper l’avenir ou vous reconvertir, formez-vous  et obtenez des nouvelles compétences pour......

Un besoin de transformation de l’action politique… A l’heure du confinement de la pensée et de l’action citoyenne restreinte, les individus se demandent comment survivre ou comment les gouvernements doivent agir et régler tous les problèmes, sanitaires, économiques, sociaux, tout autant que leur désœuvrement. Cette pensée est celle de la peur et de l’inaction. Sans vouloir défendre des gouvernements qui......

Les gouvernements sont dépassés par la crise sanitaire et par ses conséquences sociales et économiques, les pires à venir, dans un contexte préalable, de contestation généralisée. Dans l’opinion et sur les réseaux sociaux, apparaissent des appels – est-ce une conscience ? – à ce que le jour d’après la crise marque une rupture évolutionnaire avec ce que l’on a connu......

I had a great opportunity to interview Dr. Umesh MUKHI and hear all about his inspiring actions and innovative thinking about “how leaders can effecteviley manage this Coronavirus crisis”. Dr. Umesh MUKHI is the Assistant Professor of Management at Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP). He is also affiliated with Global Sustainable Leaders Network. “The......

The most powerful positive we can take from this period of pain and disruption is that the system we’re all so used to will change forever. We will all be better prepared to co-create a new sustainable system. While we’re all practicing ‘physical’ distancing we don’t have to be ‘socially’ distant. Society is coming together in all sorts of creative......

Our founder Laura Petrache about the situation of refugees and Corona virus on Arab News.“A number of European governments have (used the crisis as justification) to close their doors,” Laura Petrache said, adding that refugees and migrants should not be stigmatized as more likely than other groups to be coronavirus carriers. It is very important not to stigmatize refugees as......

We are happy & proud to share with you the report of our international partner Cultural IP Rights Initiative: Profiles of textile Artisans in Kutch, Gujarat, India. A synopsis of the Report is available here: Synopsis The innovative character of this field study stems from the cross-disciplinary approach and the exclusive focus on the textile artisan...

Business Strategy Lab –Teamwill Consulting Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations and strategy. The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. People are the driving heart in everything we do, and the B1-AKT......

“The migration surge has become a highly sensitive political issue, generating intense political and public debate. Meanwhile, the lack of an adequate response by governments has left hundreds of thousands of refugees and other migrants increasingly vulnerable. Governments are facing huge policy and practical challenges in determining and addressing the immediate and longer-term needs of refugees and other migrants. The......

An estimated 29 million people have migrated from Arab countries since 1990, according to UN data Political crises and civil conflicts have blurred the lines between voluntary and forced migration ABU DHABI: Less than two months since an unhappy year for the Arab region’s migrants and refugees came to an end, the omens of things to come are far from......

By Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern “The only thing constant is change” We all have heard this phrase. Maybe so much that we tune it out as a “cliché”. The world around us is constantly disrupting us, everywhere in our lives. Surely one will answer: we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond.......

Article : De l’« invasion » à la nouvelle cité – Vers une Magna Europa Laura Petrache et Yannick Le Guern ont créé un modèle d’intégration global, pérenne et européen des migrants pour transformer une crise en opportunité, basée sur un projet politique, sur des engagements citoyens individuels et collectifs renouvelés. Nous leur avons demandé si nous pouvions établir un rapprochement avec l’histoire......

Creating a “Narrative that Matters” at Jönköping University with global sustainable leaders Umesh Mukhi, Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern “Responsible Management Education (RME) is the field driven by academic changemakers who are inspired to make positive impact in their teaching, research, institution and local communities....

Launching the “Transnational LAB” (action oriented LAB) with Yannick Le Guern and Laura Iuliana B1-AKT and its leading thinkers are collaborating with global citizens all over Europe. It is gathering participants from 12 countries, across disciplines, in order to experiment and explore how to articulate a trans-national vision of Europe. The Lab draws its inspiration from systemic, citizens-led alternatives and......

Welcome to the Impact Report for B1-AKT. This report brings together and describes the many positive changes that we bring about for the people, enterprises, and communities that we touched in France and overseas. The report is intended for our staff teams, local and international partners, and numerous other stakeholders who share an interest in our work. We hope that......

Co-operative Fire Circles. Come, sit a while and be together as we warmly move toward a more sustainable future for all. Can you recall a time when you felt listened to, valued & you contributed to making a difference? Remember how amazing that felt… The Create Seven community came together from different organisations and locations to work as a collaborative......

The social sector is facing disruption. There is demand for new ideas, products, services, stakeholders, and relationships to overcome pressing societal challenges, and yet demand for support continues to outpace the supply of funding and services. The Social Impact Lab is responding to this disruption by investing in innovation and creating strategic partnerships that support the social sector that solve......

B1-AKT outlines the strategic partnership with both Professor Becky Beamer and Doctor Gleason from AUS, both providing exceptional and inspiring work on academic research related to (1) factors influencing the psychological capital of migrant entrepreneurs and (2) the strategies used by migrant entrepreneurs to create something innovative out of readily available materials (a process referred to as “bricolage”, from the......

Campagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisation internationale citoyenne, en faveur de l’intégration pérenne des migrants et des publics en difficulté.

“A grass root Public Policy – International Awareness campaign” B1-AKT //Migrant Integration Lab within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development launched a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue concerning migrant solutions for sustainable integration developed in the Migrant Integration Lab device (a global......

Fondateur de B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies and Paragon Communication, Yannick Le Guern livre son analyse la crise des « Gilets jaunes », un mouvement qu’il définit comme « l’apax du printemps des peuples ». Alors que nous serions entrés « dans l’ère de la déconstruction de la société », l’entrepreneur milite pour l’instauration d’une « démocratie entrepreneuriale, agissante, globale, participative......

Entrepreneur engagé dans l’évolution de notre société et « influenceur d’un monde meilleur» , Yannick Le Guern est le fondateur de B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies and Paragon Communication. Il nous explique comment il a imaginé un dispositif européen d’intégration global et pérenne des migrants....

Proud to announce the Sustainable Partnership with the 4C’s -From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture. The 4C’s is a European Cooperation Project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. The 4Cs seeks to understand how training and education in art and culture can constitute powerful resources to address the issue of conflict as well as......

The report of our Partner of the Cultural Sustainability in Fashion workshop is now online. The Cultural Intellectual Property Rights Initiative is designed to be a worldwide movement supporting the recognition of cultural IP rights for craftsmen and women who are the custodians and transmitters of traditional garments, traditional designs and traditional manufacturing techniques....

B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development is launching a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue....

Migrant Integration Lab is a global European device dedicated to the sustainable integration of migrants and ethnic minorities. Laura Petrache, one of the organizers, answered to our questions. By Nadia Henni-Moulaï Entrepreneur des médias, Fondatrice de MeltingBook, Directrice de la publication et des Éditions MB. Q: Could you explain us what is Migrant Integration Lab? A: The migrant crisis has......

It seems we did it again! #IF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE. We have been nominated for the IF DESIGN Award for our European social innovation action within Migrant Integration Lab- Sustainable Solutions and B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication.  The project empowers migrants and facilitates integration by acquisition and/or development of skills. We enhance capacity-building for migrants by means of training......

The Cultural IP Rights Initiative is supported by an ever growing international network of innovative thinkers, change-makers, global sustainable leaders, investing their time, resources and energy in creating a better tomorrow....

We’re looking for a passionate, talented, charismatic, imaginative business development / partnership manager to come and join the B1-AKT team....

« A Heart of Stone » The earth beneath our feet has been formed by intense fire and massive pressure; forged upon the anvil of time into the beautiful, natural world we all see today....

Inspirational community builders with Laura Iuliana, Yannick Le Guern & Rhona Mòirìn at Oban Communities Trust – The Rockfield Centre...

When spirited talent collides with fresh and creative ideas…#deepthinkers #thoughtleaders B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication Insight Strategic Management & Leadership Contribute to strategic development Strategic performance management Behavioral Attitudes & Postures Organisational Direction and Processes A culture of sustainability : Sustainable Development Strategy Lean Management & Agility Management Hard Skills...

Proud supporters of Spark the Change The essential human skills of empathy or understanding a consumer, defining and calibrating a problem into a problem statement, solving it creatively and collaboratively for the user, and designing solutions that create impact are all skills of the future....

« Business where people and planet matter »Holonomics approach is a concept we call ‘the dynamics of seeing’....

Business leaders today have to be constantly accessible and attentive; they are under immense pressure to respond to ever more complex challenges with a level of insight that has to be truly world class to compete....

Soul: the invisible inner-being of legacy leaders becomes visible in taking action. Call it spirit, essence, or source. It is the vital force behind our thoughts, words, and actions. Leaders understand it and tap into this “inner voice” to manifest their vision, values and culture, mission, strategies, and actions. Listen to it. Our inner voice calls us, nudges, or sometimes......

Laura Petrache is speaking about #Transition #Social #Sustainable #Design, #ArchetypalBranding #SustainableLeadership at École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs...

Education for sustainability develops the knowledge, skills, values and world-views necessary for people to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living....