23 Feb Migrant Integration Lab – Global Competitiveness & Migrant Entrepreneurship
Global Competitiveness & Migrant Entrepreneurship
Global Competitiveness can be expanded through a multi-lingual, multi-cultural workforce and the revitalization of declining communities can be achieved through the contributions of migrant families working in tandem with their native-born neighbors, these are few of the reason of empowering migrants to success. @Migrant Integration Lab
Special thanks to Yannick Le Guern B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication, Laura Petrache Migrant Integration Lab, Coralie Gaudoux, Manon Crozet, Simon Dinan – Make Sense, Carmen Siller -MENT Project, Khaled Kaka Mosaic Project, Nour Comprendre Pour Apprendre Project, Isabelle Grapotte – Co, the migrants, all the mentors & supporters involved.