Dear Readers,

If there is one thread linking the greatest challenges facing our society, economy and planet it’s the tension between short-term and long-term thinking. Across the public and private sectors, that is now changing, with more and more decision-makers working to make the shift to what we are calling a sustainable future

Much has been written about the increasingly urgent need for sustainable approaches to business, leadership, social change, and economics. The challenge now is how to encourage those in business and beyond to embrace an ecological perspective where intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions of complex systems are understood. 

“Holonomics unpacks what it practically means to think differently”

One of the most important pillars within the Holonomics approach is a concept called ’the dynamics of seeing’. The reason is that within general business practice there is an implicit assumption that the world ‘out there’ is a given and that people simply have different opinions about it.

A second important dimension to the Holonomics approach is the expanded interpretation of sustainability, which is defined as the quality of our relationships.  This is much wider than more typical definitions of sustainability, because it allows businesses to understand how they can better prepare for the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous reality we now live in.

When the leaders of an organisation fully sign up to this way of understanding sustainability, they are then able to transform their businesses through the redesign and rethinking of one of the most fundamental relationships they have, that which exists between a company and its customers.

Our B1-AKT Insider Newsletter engages with the best minds and sharpest insights around biggest challenges, from pandemics to innovation, from climate change to land use, from inequality to the future of work and much more. Please join the conversation! Sign up here to subscribe to our newsletter. 

B1-AKT Team. 

Chers lecteurs.

La crise du Covid19 ne fait que révéler le besoin pressant de notre société ultra-moderne de retrouver du sens et du lien dans le monde du travail tout autant que dans la société en cette période de transformation.

Pour ce faire, les entrepreneurs commencent à changer résolument leur mode de penser basé sur le profit à la faveur de notions de partage et d’échanges de savoirs et de valeurs. Cela passe notamment par une relation ouverte à l’autre et l’ailleurs, par la mise en œuvre de l’action axiologique.

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