Inequalities between men and women are prevalent in our society, including in the labour market. To move towards gender equality in this area, Migrant Integration Lab Sustainable Solutions and Metishima works to promote female employment and entrepreneurship. To achieve this, we implement innovating programmes that take into account the specific issues faced by women and that can hinder their access...

Why values are important? The evidence shows that when organisations have strong values embedded in their culture they perform better and have higher levels of stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.  Research published by PwC highlights that companies with distinctive and aligned cultures are 2 times more successful with execution, and 1.8 times more likely to show higher profitability and growth. Moreover,...

This research seminar aims to deepen the ancient and contemporary ways of discovery and constructions of meaning, drawing on the philosophical, religious and spiritual traditions of humanity. How does humanity view its future in the face of global risks? How can we articulate the different traditions of meaning that have driven the history of peoples and cultures? Are contemporary cultural...

HOW TO BUILD A BETTER HUMANITY In Franţa a apărut volumul „A l’aube de l’humanité. Idées concrètes pour changer le monde” – „In zorii umanităţii. Idei concrete pentru a construi o lume mai bună” (editura L’Harmattan). Co-autorii cărţii – Laura Petrache şi Yannick Le Guern – propun un diagnostic complet al actualelor şi viitoarelor crize şi sugerează noi viziuni, metode şi...

An entrepreneurial and economic project for a resilient, learning, and inclusive territory. A hybrid place of experimentation and innovation: a cultural, entrepreneurial, economic, citizen and societal place. A project incubator based on an international ecosystem of experts, mentors, and funders, to support concrete projects of societal, cultural and citizen innovation with a positive social impact. A place for accommodation, local telecommuting and coworking. A...

This year, the report takes on special meaning. The year 2020 was immensely different from any in our history. Covid-19 began its spread across the world in heartbreaking ways, and the fight continues today to end this pandemic. Devastating wildfires underscored the fragility of our planet and the clear and present threat of climate change. Tragic injustice revealed how much more...

We are happy to share with you the release of the book « At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world » Laura Petrache & Yannick Le Guern, Preface by Jonathan Midwood Insight: At the time when many have lost hope amidst pandemic times, terrorism, environmental destruction, economic inequality and breakdown of our democracies, this philosophic and politic essay provides ideas on...

Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution du livre "A L'AUBE DE L'HUMANITÉ-Idées concrètes pour changer le monde". Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, Préface de Fulvio Caccia. L'extension du domaine de la violence et les crises globales impliquent la mise en œuvre d'un nouveau modèle de société. Cet ouvrage présente une vision inédite, des idées concrètes et un projet...

We are happy and excited to share that the International Campaign Be One Humanity will be launched this fall 2021, and will serve to finance and accompany collaborative projects from all over the world, in order to build “a better humanity”. Aims & Concepts 1) The first aim: give a common positive story, narrative to Humanity, a common identity that allows individuals...

Leading projects is challenging during the best of times – the current pandemic is surely going to make the job more difficult. If your PMO is on lockdown, as most of us are, we encourage you to try to find the positive amongst the storm. In the world of business, we often don’t have the opportunity to stop and reflect on...