février 2022

07 Fév Building Global Industrial Solutions with Capelier

#Metrology #IIOT #smartsolution #sustainability #impact #efficiency # cutting edge measurement #sustainablestrategies #metrologyforthedevelopmentofIndustry 4.0 #industrialperformance

Manufacturing organizations face significant challenges: cost pressures, increased regulations, disruptive technologies and the increasingly costly delivery of raw material resources. Processes, workflows and the understanding of performance are dramatically changing. Operations can no longer work in linear execution, or in isolation of other functional work streams such as engineering, maintenance and planning. Instead, the value chain needs to perform as an integrated whole to support the fluctuating demand cycles and higher cost supply activities. New AI technologies have the capacity to make sense of the abundance of data through systems that can adapt and learn. By expanding digital intelligence adoption, AI technologies can help executives translate data into insights to drive greater innovation, and better operational and financial decisions.

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07 Fév AT THE DAWN OF HUMANITY ENTERPRISE A BETTER WORLD- a socially-conscious way to buy books online

We are happy to announce you that At the Dawn of Humanity Enterprise a better world book has extented its global impact! It was selected by Bookshop UK, Dymocks Australia and Adlibris Sweden.

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