Change Makers

20 Déc Happy Holidays 2024 – behalf B1-AKT

On behalf of the B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication team, we wish you a warm and peaceful holiday season! After a year filled with many challenges, we hope you can take some well-deserved time to yourself. Thank you for everything you do!

As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect on a year of growth, innovation, and impactful collaborations at B1-AKT. Our commitment to sustainable development and transformative leadership has guided us through various initiatives, bringing us closer to our vision of fostering a better humanity.

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21 Nov The emergence of Transpersonal Coaching: A paradigm for holistic growth and leadership development

In recent years, particularly in Western cultures, there has been a growing awakening to the transpersonal dimension of human experience. This shift reflects an emergent need to uncover deeper meaning and purpose in all facets of life, extending beyond mere material success or profit-driven pursuits. Previously, such existential exploration was less urgent, as societal focus was rooted in lower levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, emphasizing survival, belonging, and material achievement. The convergence of affluence, globalization, and the secularization of modern society has brought the transpersonal into sharper focus, influencing both personal development and professional environments. Discover the entire article here:

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14 Août Les ETI doivent investir pour poursuivre leur croissance et leur transformation

Les entreprises de taille intermédiaire (ETI) sont des moteurs économiques clés, représentant une force majeure dans l’économie française avec 25 % des emplois et 34 % des exportations. Avec 75 % de leurs sites de production en zones rurales et villes moyennes ces entreprises doivent investir pour poursuivre leur croissance et leur transformation.

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08 Juil Anouk Garnier -Un leadership monumental

B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication et en particulier Yannick Le Guern et Laura Iuliana PETRACHE s’occupent désormais du développement de la Monumentale Anouk Garnier.
Oui, la double championne du monde de course à obstacles, qui a récemment battu le record du monde du plus long grimper de corde féminin et masculin, en grimpant jusqu’au deuxième étage de la Tour Eiffel à 110m.

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03 Juil L’entreprise sensible

Maximiser le retour sur investissement ou le profit n’est plus suffisant. Pour survivre et prospérer il faut penser à la pérennité de l’entreprise, dans son environnement et avec l’ensemble de ses parties prenantes internes et externes.

Dans un monde où les défis sont de plus en plus complexes, la nécessité d’une entreprise sensible n’a jamais été aussi évidente. Elle s’accompagne de nouveaux modèles de leadership plus responsables valorisant à part égale l’humain et la performance. Pour une croissance pérenne, on doit prendre soin de soi et des autres.

Découvrez ci-dessous les 3 clefs de l’entreprise sensible ICI

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31 Mai Prix Moovjee

Nous sommes fiers d’avoir soutenu les « Prix de l’Entrepreneuriat Moovjee » et célébré l’entrepreneuriat social, solidaire et artistique. Félicitations aux nouvelles générations de jeunes entrepreneurs qui construisent un avenir plus innovant, écologique, respectueux, inclusif et solidaire. Ensemble, nous ouvrons le champ des possibles vers un monde meilleur.

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14 Mai B1-AKT Newsletter

Explorez les dimensions profondes de votre essence et de vos capacités d’action et d’influence. Venez-vous reconnecter à votre énergie primordiale et éveiller en vous le désir et les moyens de réaliser vos grands desseins. L’édition de mai de notre newsletter est disponible ici :

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07 Mar Advans Group-vers une stratégie perenne de développement

Un pas de plus vers une stratégie de développement pérenne d’Advans Group, des projets à engagement, valeur ajoutée et orientation client ! Formation complète « Pilotage et management de projets complexes », pour les équipes et hauts potentiels d’ADVANS Group, Avisto, Elsys Design et Mecagine. Pour en savoir plus sur la formation cliquez ici :

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09 Jan VŒUX 2023

Nous vous souhaitons nos meilleurs vœux et une nouvelle année à agir ensemble avec innovation, réalisation et impact ! Un grand merci aux equipes !

B1-AKT team is wishing you a Happy New Year filled with innovation, success, and a dash of magic. We are looking forward to another year of shared accomplishments and impact. Thank you to our B1-AKT team and all the people who made an impact this past year and who were « bridging » by creating meaningful connections and successful collaboration. Keep on bridging on 2024 !

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18 Avr Organisational Values Lab

Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration, and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations, and strategy.  The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. 
People are the driving heart in everything we do, and together with Stainless team we were happy to explore, solve, challenge and scale exciting new projects.

Together we have been able to forge a sustainable alloy based on strong values embedded in an organisational culture as to perform better and have higher levels of stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.  By aligning these values with those of society, organizations can be powerful forces for positive change! #togetherwegrowstronger STAINLESS, B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication

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01 Mar « Formation complète au pilotage et management de projets » inscrivez-vous à la prochaine session !

  • Développez vos talents et vos compétences avec une formation complète au pilotage et management de projets.
  • 3 jours pour acquérir tous les outils, les pratiques et les postures nécessaires au chef de projet (avec ou sans expérience).
  • Formation entièrement prise en charge (par vos OPCO), grâce à la certification Qualiopi de notre organisme de formation. 1890 € H.T.

En savoir plus sur la formation

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16 Déc A new generation of Leaders-LineUp 7

Développez une expertise de haut niveau au pilotage de projets avec B1-AKT !

Pilotez les enjeux stratégiques, la satisfaction client et les risques, maitrisez la complexité, les parties prenantes et managez les équipes pour améliorer votre performance globale. Formation finançable dans le cadre de la réglementation en cours, prise en charge possible par votre OPCO.

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20 Oct B1-AKT Newsletter « The World Values day »

Allign your organisational values!

World Values Day is today, 20 th of October 2022. Values are what matter most to us. They motivate and guide us. In a world that can feel increasingly divided, values help unite us.  Why are values so important to organisations?

Find out why in our latest edition of B1-AKT Insider HERE

Learn more about our values here:

#Reliable, #Influential, #Essential

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10 Oct Gagnez le livré dédicacé : « A l’aube de l’humanité- Idées concrétés pour changer le monde »

Pour le printemps, gagnez notre livre où vous découvrirez les clefs de l’évolution du monde à venir, les nouvelles méthodes de management humaniste et le renouveau des engagements citoyens pour donner du sens à vos vies.

5 gagnants seront tirés au sort le 20 mars 2023. Bonne chance ! 

Pour participer à ce concours et gagner le livre:

  1. Suivez les auteurs Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache sur vos réseaux sociaux préférés:

2. Partagez le message et le visuel suivi du hashtag #beonehumanity

3. Taguez 4 amis qui aiment lire et veulent changer le monde !

4. Taguez les auteurs Yannick le Guern et Laura Petrache

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06 Oct « Les voix du sens » : Séminaire international de recherche

Démarrage du séminaire de recherche international « Les voix du sens ». Nous y réfléchirons pendant 3 ans sur la prospective, l’évolution de la société et l’action humaine organisée. A l’aune de la pensée complexe, d’un panel de scientifiques, philosophes, prospectivistes, innovateurs, humanistes, penseurs et acteurs des transformations nous penserons la question du sens, des engagements individuels et collectifs, tout aussi bien que les questions de spiritualité, d’humanité et d’action concrète, de renouveau politique.

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23 Sep Leaders Inspirants


Formation des équipes de direction #PoleEmploi#FranceTravail#DAP#Responsablesdéquipe et tout ça avec le sourire…
#UniversitéDuManagement B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication

Pour devenir un leader inspirant et maîtriser la complexité, découvrez nos coachings et formations

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Back to school ! Nouvelle promo Master « Direction de projets CentraleSupélec » – B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication #ethics #ODD #SDG #sustainableprojects #HumanisticManagement

Aboutir à la réalisation d’objectifs prédéterminés et créer de la valeur à partir de contributions dispersées dans un environnement de plus en plus complexe : tel est le défi du manager de projets. B1-AKT apporte toutes les bases méthodologiques et comportementales pour réussir tous types de projets, en équilibrant les aspects techniques, humains et organisationnels.

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B1-AKT is launching a Unique, Crowdfunding Campaign called BE ONE HUMANITY. The goal of the campaign is to fund, develop and grow citizen entrepreneurial projects in order to build “a better humanity” , develop positive impact & deliver sustainable solutions to worldwide crises. Become game changers and enterprise a better world with us! Spread the word on social media by using #beonehumanity hashtag.


Find out more information and more ways to support us here: BE ONE HUMANITY

Read and share our founder’s Call here : BE ONE HUMANITY CALL TO ACTION

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07 Fév Building Global Industrial Solutions with Capelier

#Metrology #IIOT #smartsolution #sustainability #impact #efficiency # cutting edge measurement #sustainablestrategies #metrologyforthedevelopmentofIndustry 4.0 #industrialperformance

Manufacturing organizations face significant challenges: cost pressures, increased regulations, disruptive technologies and the increasingly costly delivery of raw material resources. Processes, workflows and the understanding of performance are dramatically changing. Operations can no longer work in linear execution, or in isolation of other functional work streams such as engineering, maintenance and planning. Instead, the value chain needs to perform as an integrated whole to support the fluctuating demand cycles and higher cost supply activities. New AI technologies have the capacity to make sense of the abundance of data through systems that can adapt and learn. By expanding digital intelligence adoption, AI technologies can help executives translate data into insights to drive greater innovation, and better operational and financial decisions.

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07 Fév AT THE DAWN OF HUMANITY ENTERPRISE A BETTER WORLD- a socially-conscious way to buy books online

We are happy to announce you that At the Dawn of Humanity Enterprise a better world book has extented its global impact! It was selected by Bookshop UK, Dymocks Australia and Adlibris Sweden.

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21 Jan Voeux 2022 B1 AKT

« Il est temps de passer à la coopération, la solidarité et l’entraide. L’enjeu est celui d’un saut de conscience humain, d’une humanité solidaire et fraternelle à créer. Cet enjeu est le vœux que je formule pour cette nouvelle année, pour cette nouvelle société, à construire, ensemble ». Yannick Le Guern , CEO B1-AKT

Our CEO Laura Iuliana PETRACHE New Year’s wishes: a statement of peace, betterness, and cohesive societies.

« Dearest Humanity,
During the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has reminded the world of its fragility and demonstrated the inherent risks of high levels of interdependence. In coming years, the world will face more intense and rapid global challenges. These challenges will repeatedly test the resilience and adaptability of communities, states, and the international system, often exceeding the capacity of existing models.

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In Franţa a apărut volumul „A l’aube de l’humanité. Idées concrètes pour changer le monde” – „In zorii umanităţii. Idei concrete pentru a construi o lume mai bună” (editura L’Harmattan). Co-autorii cărţii – Laura Petrache şi Yannick Le Guern – propun un diagnostic complet al actualelor şi viitoarelor crize şi sugerează noi viziuni, metode şi concepte pentru a construi o umanitate mai bună. Despre acest eseu filosofico-politic ne vorbeşte în cele ce urmează Laura Petrache.

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Pour « Be One Humanity / L’E.T.R.E – Entrepreneurs d’humanité » nous recherchons en France un lieu avec intérêt culturel, historique, architectural (type château, couvent, abbaye, bâtiments industriels, gare, sheds, hôpital, siège de banque ou d’entreprise, etc.) à racheter pour somme symbolique afin de créer un projet culturel, entrepreneurial et économique, citoyen et sociétal, ancré dans un territoire et une volonté de développement d’une région / d’une communauté de communes.

L’E.T.R.E est un Lieu pour Évoluer Transformer Repenser Entreprendre. Dans L’E.T.R.E, on crée, on forme, on apprend, on fait ensemble, on fabrique, on participe, on crée du lien social, de la citoyenneté… et on invente le monde.

Le Projet

Un projet entrepreneurial et économique pour un territoire résilient apprenant et inclusif. Un lieu hybride d’expérimentation et d’innovation : culturel, entrepreneurial et économique,citoyen et sociétal.

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Un projet entrepreneurial et économique pour un territoire résilient apprenant et inclusif. Un lieu hybride d’expérimentation et d’innovation : culturel, entrepreneurial et économique,citoyen et sociétal.

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This year, the report takes on special meaning. The year 2020 was immensely different from any in our history. Covid-19 began its spread across the world in heartbreaking ways, and the fight continues today to end this pandemic.

Devastating wildfires underscored the fragility of our planet and the clear and present threat of climate change. Tragic injustice revealed how much more we must do as a society to advance equity and social justice in our communities and countries. Millions struggled to put food on the table and a roof over their heads as the pandemic was on the rise…

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Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution du livre A L’AUBE DE L’HUMANITÉ-Idées concrètes pour changer le monde“. Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, Préface de Fulvio Caccia.

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15 Mar L’outil en main

Creating knowledge, building confidence, and breaking down barriers to opportunity with « L’outil en main » association.

Traditional craftsmanship is in need of a new self-understanding and increased public awareness of its value to society.

Entire occupational fields are threatened with extinction along with their associated bodies of knowledge and skills, and it is high time that these negative tendencies be countered—not only as a sustainable answer to global mass-market production and excessive consumption, but also in the interest of providing future generations with training and career opportunities that are both sensible and promising.

#children, # open #door to a better life.

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25 Jan ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’

We are very happy to share with you this great news: the book ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’ is now available! Special thank you to our founder Laura Petrache and our Global Sustainable Leader Angela Tacea.

More than 80 VUB academics and co-authors joined forces for this book. Philosophers, lawyers, psychologists, health scientists, sociologists, geographers, criminologists, communication and political scientists … look at migration, equality and racism from different disciplinary angles. Together they aim to contribute to an exercise of humanism as a praxis of criticism or a ‘technique of trouble-making’, in the words of Edward Said.

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13 Nov Strategic PMO with B1-AKT

Leading projects is challenging during the best of times – the current pandemic is surely going to make the job more difficult. If your PMO is on lockdown, as most of us are, we encourage you to try to find the positive amongst the storm.

In the world of business, we often don’t have the opportunity to stop and reflect on how the PMO is performing, communicating, or adding value to the organisation.

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Today, the pandemic has resulted in tragic loss of life, disproportionately impacting the poor and those with underlying health conditions, and devastating lives and livelihoods.

Through these challenging times, we have all been inspired by a new definition of the term “essential” — a realization that material things may not be critical, but people are.

Essential workers are our everyday heroes and deserve to be recognized and celebrated, now more than ever.
They need urgent as well as long-term support. These frontline workers are standing up for us today. We need to stand up for them !

Please read and download our WE ARE ONE Campaign report here :

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14 Oct Boost wellbeing with Create Seven our UK based partner

« The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with nature. »  Joseph Campbell.  These famous words have provided inspiration and wonderings for « Create Seven » in recent times.  What would business be like if we sought to find greater harmony and be more natural in our way of being in bringing ourselves to work and leadership?   

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12 Oct Beyond the pandemic with B1-AKT

While many companies are past the initial emergency response, they now need to start looking ahead as well. Business requires a proactive and agile approach to business performance to address the immediate future beyond the pandemic and create a minimum viable & opportunity  plan.

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09 Oct « Crafting for Change » Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “ Crafting for Change. Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina.“  published by our Sustainable Leader & Designer Natalia Baudoin, in the academic magazine Economía Creativa from Centro University from Mexico. The article analyses the methodology as well as the results of Crafting for change Project that we support & fully endorse.

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At B1-AKT, we promote a holistic Diversity & Inclusion approach. We believe that a company culture focused on diversity and inclusion is the key driver of creativity and innovation. Our ability to deliver excellent results is fueled by and dependent on our ability to embed Diversity & Inclusion in our corporate culture and the way we do business.

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21 Sep Why We Craft – Cultural Sustainability in Fashion -Project

We are very proud to announce that  our Global Sustainable Leader Monica Boța Moisin CEO Founder of  Cultural IP Rights Initiative  made it to the Finals of the European Social Innovation Competition with  WhyWeCraft – Cultural Sustainability in Fashion Project! Congratulations to all 10 Finalists!  

The 2020 Competition is titled Reimagine Fashion – changing behaviours for sustainable fashion.

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07 Sep Managing by Values with Yannick Le Guern

Managing by Values

Leaders understand it and tap into this “inner voice” to manifest their vision, values and culture, mission, strategies, and actions. Listen to it. Our inner voice calls us, nudges, or sometimes shoves us – into increasing levels of greatness. Particularly when we can focus on service to others: employees, customers, vendors, communities, and other stakeholders.

To lead with soul requires that you know what you deeply value, and you shape your life and business around your truest desires. It calls you to practice the art of presence, and to choose, daily, a way of living, leading, and working that contributes to wholeness and renewal.

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02 Sep « B1-AKT » There can be only one!

C’est la rentrée ! B1-AKT vous conseille, forme et accompagne dans votre reprise d’activité. Salariés qui désirez anticiper l’avenir ou vous reconvertir, formez-vous et obtenez des nouvelles compétences pour enrichir votre CV.

PME, TPE, entrepreneurs, chefs d’entreprises, membres de CODIR, nous vous accompagnons pour préparer votre entreprise et votre organisation dès maintenant pour limiter les risques économiques ; sauvegarder votre activité et saisir de nouvelles opportunités.

Plus d’information ici: GLOBAL SERVICES

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24 Juil Partnership Announcement

B1-AKT and MMG are pleased to announce they have entered into a global strategic partnership, combining B1-AKT’s leading management consulting services with MMG’s world class strategy-led enterprise delivery training services. The B1-AKT-MMG partnership brings together deep skills in business and strategy, product ideation, organizational change management, complex project steering and innovation labs, in order to help support clients through successful transformations. 

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Our Newsletter is out! « There are times when our work impacts us deeply — sometimes in ways we neither acknowledge nor understand. At B1-AKT, we believe that knowledge is most valuable when put to use for the greater good.

Change takes time. Social and environmental challenges such as persistent poverty, climate change or racism cannot be solved with a short-term mind-set.

Businesses and investors have the ability and the responsibility to help steer our world onto a more sustainable path. It is the beneficial impact of businesses and of human entrepreneurial spirit that we seek to harness in our bid to help, contributing towards a better world, for current and future generations. The impact you choose to highlight can be wide ranging and can affect many aspects of people’s lives.  We all have impact on the histories we are creating today! What is yours?

Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay positive.

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20 Mai Invent Inspire Integrate & Guide Renewal

The landscape of today’s problems is rapidly changing. While we’ve made significant progress, many existing social challenges continue to grow in magnitude and complexity, and each year new problems arise. That dramatic change will not be driven by traditional thinking.

Designing solutions for today’s social problems requires an entrepreneurial approach, a mindset that embodies the characteristics of bold thinkers with audacious goals, crafting data-driven strategies with iterative solutions. And it’s important to note that this mindset is not restricted to the traditional definition of an entrepreneur.

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15 Mai #WE ARE ONE CAMPAIGN B1- AKT Message of our ambassador JILL CHAPMAN

Social Change Needs Our Soul!

We are all leaders. 

If we want to be a leader in the area of social change, we need to appreciate that learning leadership skills alone will not be enough to make a positive impact.  If you want to be a leader of change that has a positive social impact, pause and put the books down, clear the busy diary and make space to look first of all at your ‘Soul Compass’.

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14 Mai Heroes behind the Masks – #WeAreOne Face Shield Nova Friburgo

Welcome on board Heroes behind the Shield!

The project – Faceshield Nova Friburgo – was developed by professors of UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) and UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) in Nova Friburgo along side with Persona 3D company, in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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13 Mai #WE ARE ONE CAMPAIGN B1- AKT Message of our ambassador JONATHAN MIDWOOD

“Our world needs more heroes” Albert Einstein.

Heroes come in many forms, young and old, male and female, who are mostly ordinary, everyday people whose acts of heroism qualify as extra-ordinary.

The defining qualities of heroism are: intentional action in service to others in need, or to humanity by defending a moral cause, aware of potential risks and personal costs.

Anyone can be a hero at any time an opportunity arises to stand up for what is right and just. Heroism can be learned, can be taught, can be modeled, and is should be a quality of being to which we all should aspire.

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12 Mai International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife! As in many other countries, people have been applauding to demonstrate their respect for medical staff. Nurses should not be “Heroes, just for one day”. Nurses are suddenly called heroes, though their work has always been meaningful and saved lives, not just during the COVID-19 crisis. Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, it was known that hospitals in many countries were suffering from years of budget cuts.

So let’s say our thank you, very loudly, but truly invest them with substance: that right now and when this crisis is all over, we will fight alongside you for the conditions and lives you genuinely deserve. #WEAREONE

Soyons humains, juste humains #WeAreOne

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20 Avr Building a Business Continuity Plan during COVID

In this webinar you will be able to:

  • Explore key factors for understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your business
  • Receive concrete guidance and sustainable solutions for building a business continuity plan, resilience and moderate annual exercises to ensure your plan as to efficiently mitigate realistic disruption
  • Analyze the impacts on your business diagnosis
  • Apply an immediate COVID-19 Response and Management of the Business
  • Organize your remote work-force

For More Information please read here: COVID-SOLUTIONS-E-LAB

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17 Avr Déconfinement Business- E-LAB

PME, TPE, Entrepreneurs, chefs d’entreprises, n’attendez pas le 11 mai pour un déconfinement business.

B1-AKT met ses experts à votre disposition pour faire le point, préparer votre entreprise dès maintenant pour limiter les risques économiques, sauvegarder votre activité et saisir les opportunités.

Salariés en chômage partiels, qui désirez anticiper l’avenir ou vous reconvertir, formez-vous  et obtenez des nouvelles compétences pour enrichir votre CV.


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08 Avr L’Aube de l’humanité – Vers un projet politique et sociétal évolutionnaire, eudémonique, harmonieux et pérenne

Les gouvernements sont dépassés par la crise sanitaire et par ses conséquences sociales et économiques, les pires à venir, dans un contexte préalable, de contestation généralisée.

Dans l’opinion et sur les réseaux sociaux, apparaissent des appels – est-ce une conscience ? – à ce que le jour d’après la crise marque une rupture évolutionnaire avec ce que l’on a connu avant, tout en évitant de sombrer dans le chaos.

Dès aujourd’hui, c’est une véritable transformation de notre philosophie politique et de l’action publique, nationale et internationale qui est désormais nécessaire.

Le texte ci-dessous, est un essai de philosophie politique dont le but est de repenser et de reposer des éléments de vision politique au service d’un projet politique, d’un projet de société.

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06 Avr Dealing with Complexity: How Leaders can effectively manage Coronavirus Crises

I had a great opportunity to interview Dr. Umesh MUKHI and hear all about his inspiring actions and innovative thinking about “how leaders can effecteviley manage this Coronavirus crisis”.

Dr. Umesh MUKHI is the Assistant Professor of Management at Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP). He is also affiliated with Global Sustainable Leaders Network.

“The growing pandemic requires an organizational and leadership mindset capable of dealing with complexity while devising adequate responses while considering the needs of its stakeholders.

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31 Mar Crossing the Rubicon : The Covid 19 Virus- by Global Sustainable Leaders Network

The most powerful positive we can take from this period of pain and disruption is that the system we’re all so used to will change forever. We will all be better prepared to co-create a new sustainable system. While we’re all practicing ‘physical’ distancing we don’t have to be ‘socially’ distant. Society is coming together in all sorts of creative and supportive ways. In summary:  Covid-19 is an opportunity for our collective growth and development. (suite…)

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