
20 Déc Happy Holidays 2024 – behalf B1-AKT

On behalf of the B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication team, we wish you a warm and peaceful holiday season! After a year filled with many challenges, we hope you can take some well-deserved time to yourself. Thank you for everything you do!

As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect on a year of growth, innovation, and impactful collaborations at B1-AKT. Our commitment to sustainable development and transformative leadership has guided us through various initiatives, bringing us closer to our vision of fostering a better humanity.

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10 Oct Gagnez le livré dédicacé : « A l’aube de l’humanité- Idées concrétés pour changer le monde »

Pour le printemps, gagnez notre livre où vous découvrirez les clefs de l’évolution du monde à venir, les nouvelles méthodes de management humaniste et le renouveau des engagements citoyens pour donner du sens à vos vies.

5 gagnants seront tirés au sort le 20 mars 2023. Bonne chance ! 

Pour participer à ce concours et gagner le livre:

  1. Suivez les auteurs Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache sur vos réseaux sociaux préférés:

2. Partagez le message et le visuel suivi du hashtag #beonehumanity

3. Taguez 4 amis qui aiment lire et veulent changer le monde !

4. Taguez les auteurs Yannick le Guern et Laura Petrache

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06 Oct « Les voix du sens » : Séminaire international de recherche

Démarrage du séminaire de recherche international « Les voix du sens ». Nous y réfléchirons pendant 3 ans sur la prospective, l’évolution de la société et l’action humaine organisée. A l’aune de la pensée complexe, d’un panel de scientifiques, philosophes, prospectivistes, innovateurs, humanistes, penseurs et acteurs des transformations nous penserons la question du sens, des engagements individuels et collectifs, tout aussi bien que les questions de spiritualité, d’humanité et d’action concrète, de renouveau politique.

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23 Sep Leaders Inspirants


Formation des équipes de direction #PoleEmploi#FranceTravail#DAP#Responsablesdéquipe et tout ça avec le sourire…
#UniversitéDuManagement B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication

Pour devenir un leader inspirant et maîtriser la complexité, découvrez nos coachings et formations

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07 Fév AT THE DAWN OF HUMANITY ENTERPRISE A BETTER WORLD- a socially-conscious way to buy books online

We are happy to announce you that At the Dawn of Humanity Enterprise a better world book has extented its global impact! It was selected by Bookshop UK, Dymocks Australia and Adlibris Sweden.

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This year, the report takes on special meaning. The year 2020 was immensely different from any in our history. Covid-19 began its spread across the world in heartbreaking ways, and the fight continues today to end this pandemic.

Devastating wildfires underscored the fragility of our planet and the clear and present threat of climate change. Tragic injustice revealed how much more we must do as a society to advance equity and social justice in our communities and countries. Millions struggled to put food on the table and a roof over their heads as the pandemic was on the rise…

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08 Sep At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world

We are happy to share with you the release of the book « At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world »

By Laura Petrache & Yannick Le Guern, Preface by Jonathan Midwood

Insight: At the time when many have lost hope amidst pandemic times, terrorism, environmental destruction, economic inequality and breakdown of our democracies, this philosophic and politic essay provides ideas on how to rethink and reform our Society to create a better humanity.

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Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution du livre A L’AUBE DE L’HUMANITÉ-Idées concrètes pour changer le monde“. Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, Préface de Fulvio Caccia.

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25 Jan ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’

We are very happy to share with you this great news: the book ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’ is now available! Special thank you to our founder Laura Petrache and our Global Sustainable Leader Angela Tacea.

More than 80 VUB academics and co-authors joined forces for this book. Philosophers, lawyers, psychologists, health scientists, sociologists, geographers, criminologists, communication and political scientists … look at migration, equality and racism from different disciplinary angles. Together they aim to contribute to an exercise of humanism as a praxis of criticism or a ‘technique of trouble-making’, in the words of Edward Said.

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13 Nov Strategic PMO with B1-AKT

Leading projects is challenging during the best of times – the current pandemic is surely going to make the job more difficult. If your PMO is on lockdown, as most of us are, we encourage you to try to find the positive amongst the storm.

In the world of business, we often don’t have the opportunity to stop and reflect on how the PMO is performing, communicating, or adding value to the organisation.

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12 Oct Beyond the pandemic with B1-AKT

While many companies are past the initial emergency response, they now need to start looking ahead as well. Business requires a proactive and agile approach to business performance to address the immediate future beyond the pandemic and create a minimum viable & opportunity  plan.

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09 Oct « Crafting for Change » Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “ Crafting for Change. Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina.“  published by our Sustainable Leader & Designer Natalia Baudoin, in the academic magazine Economía Creativa from Centro University from Mexico. The article analyses the methodology as well as the results of Crafting for change Project that we support & fully endorse.

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30 Sep Catalogue conseil formation accompagnement B1 AKT Service Public & Collectivités Territoriales


Les élections municipales des 15 mars et 28 juin dernier 2020 ont amorcé un renouvellement important parmi les quelque 503 305 élus locaux que comptent nos 35 000 communes. La séquence électorale de 2021 amènera, quant à elle, nos concitoyens à élire 4 000 conseillers départementaux et 1 900 conseillers régionaux.

Dans ce contexte, B1-AKT, agence de conseil stratégique et organisme de formation spécialisée dans l’accompagnement des élus et de leurs équipes, vous propose d’être à vos côtés dans la mise en œuvre de vos projets locaux, dans l’évolution et la transformation des services proposés à vos administrés.

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07 Sep Managing by Values with Yannick Le Guern

Managing by Values

Leaders understand it and tap into this “inner voice” to manifest their vision, values and culture, mission, strategies, and actions. Listen to it. Our inner voice calls us, nudges, or sometimes shoves us – into increasing levels of greatness. Particularly when we can focus on service to others: employees, customers, vendors, communities, and other stakeholders.

To lead with soul requires that you know what you deeply value, and you shape your life and business around your truest desires. It calls you to practice the art of presence, and to choose, daily, a way of living, leading, and working that contributes to wholeness and renewal.

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29 Juin Emission/Webinar 2020-07-06 : « Vers une humanité meilleure ? Towards a Better humanity ? » Invité Umesh Mukhi

Webinar gratuit sur Zoom – LIEN:

Meeting ID: 953 6130 7663

Date : Lundi 6 juillet

Heure : 18h – 19h Paris Time

Questions abordées :

Quelles sont les mutations concrètes du monde ? Vers quoi vont-elles ? Que sont les changements de paradigmes sociétaux, les nouvelles aspirations des individus et des peuples ? Comment interpréter la montée de la violence, des revendications et l’accélération de la remise en cause de ces paradigmes ? Quels sont les nouveaux engagements/responsabilités citoyens individuels et collectifs ? Peut-on évoluer lors des périodes de chaos ? Quelles sont les destructions-créatrices nécessaires ?

Intervenants :

Umesh Mukhi : Professeur en Management et Leadership – FGV EAESP, São Paulo School of Business Administration, Ambassadeur culturel Unesco, Co-Fondateur du réseau Global Sustainable Leaders.

Interviewé par Yannick Le Guern – Professeur en Sciences de Gestion et Entrepreneuriat, Président de B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication, journaliste, prospectiviste, entrepreneur, humaniste, co-fondateur de nombreux Think Tanks et du réseau international Global Sustainable Leaders.

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12 Juin The New Normal

When you are invited to talk in great events about CHANGE, you need to pick one of the two primary options:

Option A- be smart, be safe, and tell: The infusion of new disruptive practices will be great, and moving forward it will be greater.
Option B- take risks, listen your gut, expose and embrace the uncertainties, and tell:


When you are invited to talk in great events about CHANGE, you need to pick one of the two primary options:

Option A- be smart, be safe, and tell: The infusion of new disruptive practices will be great, and moving forward it will be greater.
Option B- take risks, listen your gut, expose and embrace the uncertainties, and tell:

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30 Mai We are all humans-All Lives Matter: a B1-AKT Statement

“Today, we are faced with many challenges.  Some of those are: seeing human dignity in the faces of the poor, the migrant and the elderly; seeing our responsibility for many of whom live in abject poverty; seeing our responsibility for educating our children.

So long as one, marginalized human being is considered a “problem” to be solved, we will continue to experience division and an absence of peace. Not even our brightest minds know how to put the world back together again. 

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20 Mai Invent Inspire Integrate & Guide Renewal

The landscape of today’s problems is rapidly changing. While we’ve made significant progress, many existing social challenges continue to grow in magnitude and complexity, and each year new problems arise. That dramatic change will not be driven by traditional thinking.

Designing solutions for today’s social problems requires an entrepreneurial approach, a mindset that embodies the characteristics of bold thinkers with audacious goals, crafting data-driven strategies with iterative solutions. And it’s important to note that this mindset is not restricted to the traditional definition of an entrepreneur.

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12 Mai International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife! As in many other countries, people have been applauding to demonstrate their respect for medical staff. Nurses should not be “Heroes, just for one day”. Nurses are suddenly called heroes, though their work has always been meaningful and saved lives, not just during the COVID-19 crisis. Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, it was known that hospitals in many countries were suffering from years of budget cuts.

So let’s say our thank you, very loudly, but truly invest them with substance: that right now and when this crisis is all over, we will fight alongside you for the conditions and lives you genuinely deserve. #WEAREONE

Soyons humains, juste humains #WeAreOne

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20 Avr Building a Business Continuity Plan during COVID

In this webinar you will be able to:

  • Explore key factors for understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your business
  • Receive concrete guidance and sustainable solutions for building a business continuity plan, resilience and moderate annual exercises to ensure your plan as to efficiently mitigate realistic disruption
  • Analyze the impacts on your business diagnosis
  • Apply an immediate COVID-19 Response and Management of the Business
  • Organize your remote work-force

For More Information please read here: COVID-SOLUTIONS-E-LAB

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14 Avr Politique de transformation sociétale & Diplomatie citoyenne

Un besoin de transformation de l’action politique…

A l’heure du confinement de la pensée et de l’action citoyenne restreinte, les individus se demandent comment survivre ou comment les gouvernements doivent agir et régler tous les problèmes, sanitaires, économiques, sociaux, tout autant que leur désœuvrement.

Cette pensée est celle de la peur et de l’inaction. Sans vouloir défendre des gouvernements qui font des choix politiques, sanitaires, économiques, politiques, qui sont ce qu’ils sont, souvent inefficients ou maladroits, nous ne pouvons pas tout en attendre(suite…)

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08 Avr L’Aube de l’humanité – Vers un projet politique et sociétal évolutionnaire, eudémonique, harmonieux et pérenne

Les gouvernements sont dépassés par la crise sanitaire et par ses conséquences sociales et économiques, les pires à venir, dans un contexte préalable, de contestation généralisée.

Dans l’opinion et sur les réseaux sociaux, apparaissent des appels – est-ce une conscience ? – à ce que le jour d’après la crise marque une rupture évolutionnaire avec ce que l’on a connu avant, tout en évitant de sombrer dans le chaos.

Dès aujourd’hui, c’est une véritable transformation de notre philosophie politique et de l’action publique, nationale et internationale qui est désormais nécessaire.

Le texte ci-dessous, est un essai de philosophie politique dont le but est de repenser et de reposer des éléments de vision politique au service d’un projet politique, d’un projet de société.

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06 Avr Dealing with Complexity: How Leaders can effectively manage Coronavirus Crises

I had a great opportunity to interview Dr. Umesh MUKHI and hear all about his inspiring actions and innovative thinking about “how leaders can effecteviley manage this Coronavirus crisis”.

Dr. Umesh MUKHI is the Assistant Professor of Management at Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP). He is also affiliated with Global Sustainable Leaders Network.

“The growing pandemic requires an organizational and leadership mindset capable of dealing with complexity while devising adequate responses while considering the needs of its stakeholders.

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31 Mar Crossing the Rubicon : The Covid 19 Virus- by Global Sustainable Leaders Network

The most powerful positive we can take from this period of pain and disruption is that the system we’re all so used to will change forever. We will all be better prepared to co-create a new sustainable system. While we’re all practicing ‘physical’ distancing we don’t have to be ‘socially’ distant. Society is coming together in all sorts of creative and supportive ways. In summary:  Covid-19 is an opportunity for our collective growth and development. (suite…)

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15 Mar Profiles of textile Artisans in Kutch, Gujarat, India Report

We are happy & proud to share with you the report of our international partner Cultural IP Rights Initiative: Profiles of textile Artisans in Kutch, Gujarat, India. A synopsis of the Report is available here: Synopsis

The innovative character of this field study stems from the cross-disciplinary approach and the exclusive focus on the textile artisan as right-holder.

The cultural perspective merges with a legal perspective and a business perspective so that the artisan is not reduced to a pion in the textile supply chain but viewed as an agent of cultural sustainability.

This Report is an academic resource which can be used in academic settings as well as business frameworks, by designers and textile industry professionals, conscious and culturally aware individuals interested in developing and maintaining sustainable collaborations and engaging in co-creation processes with artisan communities.

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13 Jan Transcending Identities – A Greater Europe

By Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern

“The only thing constant is change” We all have heard this phrase. Maybe so much that we tune it out as a “cliché”. The world around us is constantly disrupting us, everywhere in our lives. Surely one will answer: we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. But, how do we respond to change, and more importantly how can we influence or even spark it?


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25 Déc De l’« invasion » à la nouvelle cité – Vers une Magna Europa

Article : De l’« invasion » à la nouvelle cité – Vers une Magna Europa

Laura Petrache et Yannick Le Guern ont créé un modèle d’intégration global, pérenne et européen des migrants pour transformer une crise en opportunité, basée sur un projet politique, sur des engagements citoyens individuels et collectifs renouvelés. Nous leur avons demandé si nous pouvions établir un rapprochement avec l’histoire de la Magna Graecia et en tirer un enseignement pour créer cette Europe humaine et visionnaire dont ils parlent, et qu’ils appelleront « Magna Europa ».

Propos recueillis par Karine Trotel – Magazine Ribelli, N°1, 2019 (suite…)

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18 Oct Launching B1-AKT Transnational Lab

Launching the « Transnational LAB » (action oriented LAB) with Yannick Le Guern and Laura Iuliana

B1-AKT and its leading thinkers are collaborating with global citizens all over Europe. It is gathering participants from 12 countries, across disciplines, in order to experiment and explore how to articulate a trans-national vision of Europe.


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13 Sep B1-AKT Impact report 2015-2020

Welcome to the Impact Report for B1-AKT. This report brings together and describes the many positive changes that we bring about for the people, enterprises, and communities that we touched in France and overseas.

The report is intended for our staff teams, local and international partners, and numerous other stakeholders who share an interest in our work. We hope that you enjoy reading the report and that it adequately conveys the incredible contribution that everyone at the B1-AKT made towards achieving our sustainable impact.

Download here : 2019 B1 AKT Impact Report


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31 Août Create Seven: « A story about Change »

Co-operative Fire Circles. Come, sit a while and be together as we warmly move toward a more sustainable future for all.

Can you recall a time when you felt listened to, valued & you contributed to making a difference? Remember how amazing that felt…

The Create Seven community came together from different organisations and locations to work as a collaborative team. We did not all know each other so we took time to build trust.

We allowed space to connect head, heart and hand, we shared stories, our emotional drivers and histories, our frustrations and our hopes for the future.


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02 Juil Launching B1-AKT Social impact Lab

The social sector is facing disruption. There is demand for new ideas, products, services, stakeholders, and relationships to overcome pressing societal challenges, and yet demand for support continues to outpace the supply of funding and services.

The Social Impact Lab is responding to this disruption by investing in innovation and creating strategic partnerships that support the social sector that solve social issues.


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13 Mai #NoWallsButBridges – White Paper Report on Sustainable Migrant Integration – Petrache – Le Guern

“A grass root Public Policy – International Awareness campaign”


B1-AKT //Migrant Integration Lab within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development launched a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue concerning migrant solutions for sustainable integration developed in the Migrant Integration Lab device (a global device for sustainable integration).


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21 Mar Gilets jaunes : La voie des Sans-Voix – Yannick Le Guern – Magazine Entreprendre

Fondateur de B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies and Paragon Communication, Yannick Le Guern livre son analyse la crise des « Gilets jaunes », un mouvement qu’il définit comme « l’apax du printemps des peuples ». Alors que nous serions entrés « dans l’ère de la déconstruction de la société », l’entrepreneur milite pour l’instauration d’une « démocratie entrepreneuriale, agissante, globale, participative et citoyenne ». Entretien.


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21 Fév Yannick Le Guern Entreprendre Magazine Interview

Entrepreneur engagé dans l’évolution de notre société et « influenceur d’un monde meilleur» , Yannick Le Guern est le fondateur de B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies and Paragon Communication. Il nous explique comment il a imaginé un dispositif européen d’intégration global et pérenne des migrants.


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19 Nov An Innovative International Awareness Campaign #NoWallsButBridges

B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development is launching a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue.

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05 Juil High Potential Lab

When spirited talent collides with fresh and creative ideas…#deepthinkers #thoughtleaders B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication

When spirited talent collides with fresh and creative ideas…#deepthinkers #thoughtleaders B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication


  • Strategic Management & Leadership
  • Contribute to strategic development
  • Strategic performance management
  • Behavioral Attitudes & Postures Organisational Direction and
  • Processes
  • A culture of sustainability : Sustainable Development Strategy
  • Lean Management & Agility
  • Management Hard Skills
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28 Juin B1-AKT Sparked the change in Paris

Proud supporters of Spark the Change

The essential human skills of empathy or understanding a consumer, defining and calibrating a problem into a problem statement, solving it creatively and collaboratively for the user, and designing solutions that create impact are all skills of the future.

Also, the emergence of the new “sandwich generation” – people in their forties and fifties who are struggling to juggle work with caring for children and elderly parents – combined with smartphone technology, which blurs the boundaries of work and home, has placed people under additional pressure.

Organizations need to take better care of their people and recognize how the demands of work can affect their physical and mental health, as well as their ability to perform well at work. That means placing health and wellbeing at the heart of an organisation.


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22 Juin Holonomics Lab

« Business where people and planet matter »Holonomics approach is a concept we call ‘the dynamics of seeing’. The reason is that within general business practice there is an implicit assumption that the world ‘out there’ is a given and that people simply have different opinions about it. One of the qualities of a truly great designer is that the manner in which they experience the reality is dynamic, always searching for new ways of seeing and understanding the world.


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30 Mai The Outsider » – Interview of our Founder Laura Petrache

1) D’où venez-vous, Laura, et quel a été, en quelques mots, votre parcours ?
Where do you come from Laura, and, in a few words, what has been your experience ?

I was born in Romania but I have a profound love for the United States of America where I lived an important period of my life. I discovered there that excellence exists and the path of professionalism is made of a” savant mélange” of humanity, skills, open-mindedness and making decisions. United States of America gave me the chance to act and to innovate. Personally, I define innovation as a social, collaborative process involving artists, scientists, humanists and industry professionals working together on new problems and opportunities raised by technological and cultural change.


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21 Mai Immersive Leadership Lab

Business leaders today have to be constantly accessible and attentive; they are under immense pressure to respond to ever more complex challenges with a level of insight that has to be truly world class to compete.

Immersive Leadership is an experience that connects leaders to one of the most important sources of emotional intelligence, decision making and resilience – reflection. As the gateway to critical awareness, reflection has never been more important, yet the art is being lost on a generation of leaders.


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2018-02-19 Report migrant integration solutions short version B1-AKT Yannick Le Guern Laura Petrache



« A sustainable solution to a world-wide crisis »


The purpose of this report is to serve as a guide for national and international integration governments, actors and facilitators, policy makers, to turn a crisis into a societal, economic, cultural and sustainable development advantage.

This report is based on

  • The description of a holistic device of migrants* sustainable integration designed & created by B1-AKT
  • Practical integration experiments in 7 countries,
  • Feedback, evaluation and international benchmark as to extract efficient integration practices.


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06 Déc New Leadership Voices 2 : Laura Petrache

“For me New Leadership is all about courage, creativity, sustainability and faith in people.

It’s a values-based leadership. Leaders as in “global sustainable leaders” need to be motivated by common values, rather than just financial performance.

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06 Déc New Leadership voices: Yannick Le Guern

Yannick Le Guern :

« For me, the new leadership is change making, driven by transcendent purposes and develops global sustainability.

In my opinion, new leadership must be based on :

  • values of humanism,
  • on a will of evolution
  • and concrete actions, to develop local sustainable communities, in a global context of interdependency.

The new leaders must be aware of a mission, ethically driven, developing axiological action, in other words: creating sustainable communities interacting around common values.


Yannick Le Guern :

« For me, the new leadership is change making, driven by transcendent purposes and develops global sustainability.

In my opinion, new leadership must be based on :

  • values of humanism,
  • on a will of evolution
  • and concrete actions, to develop local sustainable communities, in a global context of interdependency.

The new leaders must be aware of a mission, ethically driven, developing axiological action, in other words: creating sustainable communities interacting around common values.


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28 Nov Iconic Pavlina Proteou – CEO of Beyond CSR

Founder and CEO of Beyond CSR, a startup social entrepreneurship organization, aiming at turning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into a Systemic Change and Impact Investment Tool, linking today’s to tomorrow’s business models. We map out the territory for grass roots initiatives, projects that bring innovative solutions that respond to social challenges. Currently we are working on 40+ project, on 40/50+ Start uppers and launching Social Entrepreneurship Clusters, the best idea of our grass roots solutions oriented social media Digital Diplomacy campaign on Refugee Crisis.

Read more on:

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23 Nov Creative Europe & Sustainable Projects – B1 LAB by Yannick Le Guern

Executive Master Management & Entrepreneurship in the Creative Economy – Audencia Nantes.

#Lab #CreativeEurope #CreativeIndustries

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21 Nov Change Makers: Laura Petrache & Project Together

The Project Together Community is a group of young change makers, coaches and social entrepreneurs from all over Germany and Europe. We offer you a space for connecting with like-minded people, mutual collaboration, network and know-how. Get into action and benefit from each other’s knowledge, expertise and network. Let´s solve the world´s biggest challenges together and co-create our future.

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13 Nov Social Innovation to Tackle Fuel Poverty – COP 23

Ashoka and the Schneider Electric Foundation, in partnership with Enel and networking partner B1-AKT announce the 15 winners of the 2017-2018 “Social Innovation to Tackle Fuel Poverty” programme in Europe during COP23 in Bonn, Germany.

TFP17-18 COP23 Press Release B1AKT Ashoka

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09 Nov B1-AKT is proud to support UK based partner – Create Seven

The role of Create Seven will be to develop and enable post conventional leaders to co-create a better future.

Today ‘conventional’ leaders in our organisations are struggling to adapt to increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). The decisions made by
Leaders in our organisations collectively create the society in which we live.


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