Young people live in a society in which creating sustainable career opportunities is complex. Guidance is crucial to support motivated, smart career-choices and prevent early leaving from education and training for a number of reasons. The style of career counselling advocated at Mission Locale de Thiérache can help young people make meaning of their career-lives and (re-)kindle their sense of...

Novel, innovative and creative solutions to business problems We develop high level in-depth knowledge of the latest theories and methodologies in business research and act as thought leaders for organizational change. Our Customers assume a significant and high-potential role as boundary-spanners between academia and business. We make sustainable development so attractive that it becomes normal and part of your company. We are...

Cette interview du journaliste Stéphane Aubouard met en lumière des concepts innovants — Transition Design, approches Holonomiques, Action Ecosystémique, Hybridation culturelle, ou Win3 — à utiliser par les entrepreneurs, les politiques et tous les porteurs de projets œuvrant en faveur d’une transition, d’une évolution du monde. « Nous défendons un entrepreneuriat politique, engagé et citoyen » Pour Laura Petrache et Yannick Le...

Helps design innovative new kinds of collectively intelligent solutions to solve important problems. Do you have a big challenge that you are looking to solve in a new way?Would you like to truly harness the intelligence of the people in your organization to solve the problem? The “WE ARE ONE”  ( Collective Intelligence) Lab leverages the expertise of our staff to help...

In this webinar you will be able to: Explore key factors for understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your businessReceive concrete guidance and sustainable solutions for building a business continuity plan, resilience and moderate annual exercises to ensure your plan as to efficiently mitigate realistic disruptionAnalyze the impacts on your business diagnosisApply an immediate COVID-19 Response and Management of...

PME, TPE, Entrepreneurs, chefs d’entreprises, n’attendez pas le 11 mai pour un déconfinement business. B1-AKT met ses experts à votre disposition pour faire le point, préparer votre entreprise dès maintenant pour limiter les risques économiques, sauvegarder votre activité et saisir les opportunités. Salariés en chômage partiels, qui désirez anticiper l’avenir ou vous reconvertir, formez-vous  et obtenez des nouvelles compétences pour enrichir votre...

Un besoin de transformation de l’action politique…

A l’heure du confinement de la pensée et de l’action citoyenne restreinte, les individus se demandent comment survivre ou comment les gouvernements doivent agir et régler tous les problèmes, sanitaires, économiques, sociaux, tout autant que leur désœuvrement.

Cette pensée est celle de la peur et de l’inaction. Sans vouloir défendre des gouvernements qui font des choix politiques, sanitaires, économiques, politiques, qui sont ce qu’ils sont, souvent inefficients ou maladroits, nous ne pouvons pas tout en attendre

Business Strategy Lab –Teamwill Consulting Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations and strategy. The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. People are the driving heart in everything we do, and the B1-AKT Strategy...

Creating a "Narrative that Matters" at Jönköping University with global sustainable leaders Umesh Mukhi, Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern "Responsible Management Education (RME) is the field driven by academic changemakers who are inspired to make positive impact in their teaching, research, institution and local communities.

Launching the "Transnational LAB" (action oriented LAB) with Yannick Le Guern and Laura Iuliana B1-AKT and its leading thinkers are collaborating with global citizens all over Europe. It is gathering participants from 12 countries, across disciplines, in order to experiment and explore how to articulate a trans-national vision of Europe. The Lab draws its inspiration from systemic, citizens-led alternatives and movements concerning...