Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration, and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations, and strategy.  The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. People are the driving heart in everything we do, and together with Stainless team we were happy to...

Welcome to our global sustainable leaders and communication officers #beonehumanity project Chryztina Harding-Graham and Esme Edworthy. Proud to have you on board! Let’s hear it from Chryztina and Esme:« My studies in English, philosophy, and law have inspired me to further explore social justice and sustainability in all aspects of the world, leading me to this company and their campaign for the...

"The migration surge has become a highly sensitive political issue, generating intense political and public debate. Meanwhile, the lack of an adequate response by governments has left hundreds of thousands of refugees and other migrants increasingly vulnerable. Governments are facing huge policy and practical challenges in determining and addressing the immediate and longer-term needs of refugees and other migrants. The challenge...

By Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern “The only thing constant is change” We all have heard this phrase. Maybe so much that we tune it out as a “cliché”. The world around us is constantly disrupting us, everywhere in our lives. Surely one will answer: we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond....

Creating a "Narrative that Matters" at Jönköping University with global sustainable leaders Umesh Mukhi, Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern "Responsible Management Education (RME) is the field driven by academic changemakers who are inspired to make positive impact in their teaching, research, institution and local communities.

Welcome to the Impact Report for B1-AKT. This report brings together and describes the many positive changes that we bring about for the people, enterprises, and communities that we touched in France and overseas. The report is intended for our staff teams, local and international partners, and numerous other stakeholders who share an interest in our work. We hope that you...

B1-AKT outlines the strategic partnership with both Professor Becky Beamer and Doctor Gleason from AUS, both providing exceptional and inspiring work on academic research related to (1) factors influencing the psychological capital of migrant entrepreneurs and (2) the strategies used by migrant entrepreneurs to create something innovative out of readily available materials (a process referred to as “bricolage”, from the...

Migrant Integration Lab is a global European device dedicated to the sustainable integration of migrants and ethnic minorities. Laura Petrache, one of the organizers, answered to our questions. By Nadia Henni-Moulaï Entrepreneur des médias, Fondatrice de MeltingBook, Directrice de la publication et des Éditions MB. Q: Could you explain us what is Migrant Integration Lab? A: The migrant crisis has been one of...

We’re looking for a passionate, talented, charismatic, imaginative business development / partnership manager to come and join the B1-AKT team.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJa5bvCWQJA&feature=emb_logo Une émission avec Michel Saloff-Coste, philosophe, élève de Deleuze, artiste, prospectiviste. Il rejoint le club de Budapest, fonde l’Université intégrale et Design me a planet. Il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages dont « Le Management du troisième millénaire ». Nous verrons par son exemple que, conformément au mot de Malraux, « un intellectuel est quelqu’un qui doit se mettre à...