
10 Oct Gagnez le livré dédicacé : « A l’aube de l’humanité- Idées concrétés pour changer le monde »

Pour le printemps, gagnez notre livre où vous découvrirez les clefs de l’évolution du monde à venir, les nouvelles méthodes de management humaniste et le renouveau des engagements citoyens pour donner du sens à vos vies.

5 gagnants seront tirés au sort le 20 mars 2023. Bonne chance ! 

Pour participer à ce concours et gagner le livre:

  1. Suivez les auteurs Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache sur vos réseaux sociaux préférés:

2. Partagez le message et le visuel suivi du hashtag #beonehumanity

3. Taguez 4 amis qui aiment lire et veulent changer le monde !

4. Taguez les auteurs Yannick le Guern et Laura Petrache

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B1-AKT is launching a Unique, Crowdfunding Campaign called BE ONE HUMANITY. The goal of the campaign is to fund, develop and grow citizen entrepreneurial projects in order to build “a better humanity” , develop positive impact & deliver sustainable solutions to worldwide crises. Become game changers and enterprise a better world with us! Spread the word on social media by using #beonehumanity hashtag.


Find out more information and more ways to support us here: BE ONE HUMANITY

Read and share our founder’s Call here : BE ONE HUMANITY CALL TO ACTION

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Pour « Be One Humanity / L’E.T.R.E – Entrepreneurs d’humanité » nous recherchons en France un lieu avec intérêt culturel, historique, architectural (type château, couvent, abbaye, bâtiments industriels, gare, sheds, hôpital, siège de banque ou d’entreprise, etc.) à racheter pour somme symbolique afin de créer un projet culturel, entrepreneurial et économique, citoyen et sociétal, ancré dans un territoire et une volonté de développement d’une région / d’une communauté de communes.

L’E.T.R.E est un Lieu pour Évoluer Transformer Repenser Entreprendre. Dans L’E.T.R.E, on crée, on forme, on apprend, on fait ensemble, on fabrique, on participe, on crée du lien social, de la citoyenneté… et on invente le monde.

Le Projet

Un projet entrepreneurial et économique pour un territoire résilient apprenant et inclusif. Un lieu hybride d’expérimentation et d’innovation : culturel, entrepreneurial et économique,citoyen et sociétal.

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14 Mai Heroes behind the Masks – #WeAreOne Face Shield Nova Friburgo

Welcome on board Heroes behind the Shield!

The project – Faceshield Nova Friburgo – was developed by professors of UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense) and UERJ (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) in Nova Friburgo along side with Persona 3D company, in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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13 Mai #WE ARE ONE CAMPAIGN B1- AKT Message of our ambassador JONATHAN MIDWOOD

“Our world needs more heroes” Albert Einstein.

Heroes come in many forms, young and old, male and female, who are mostly ordinary, everyday people whose acts of heroism qualify as extra-ordinary.

The defining qualities of heroism are: intentional action in service to others in need, or to humanity by defending a moral cause, aware of potential risks and personal costs.

Anyone can be a hero at any time an opportunity arises to stand up for what is right and just. Heroism can be learned, can be taught, can be modeled, and is should be a quality of being to which we all should aspire.

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12 Mai #WE ARE ONE CAMPAIGN B1- AKT Message of our ambassador UMESH MUKHI

The power of words should never be underestimated. Words have power and deeply influence our lives. They seep into our consciousness and influence our emotions and our behaviour. They shape how we see the world. Words consist of vibration and sound. It is these vibrations that create the very reality that surrounds us. Words are the creator; the creator of our universe, our lives, our reality.

There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic

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12 Mai International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife! As in many other countries, people have been applauding to demonstrate their respect for medical staff. Nurses should not be “Heroes, just for one day”. Nurses are suddenly called heroes, though their work has always been meaningful and saved lives, not just during the COVID-19 crisis. Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, it was known that hospitals in many countries were suffering from years of budget cuts.

So let’s say our thank you, very loudly, but truly invest them with substance: that right now and when this crisis is all over, we will fight alongside you for the conditions and lives you genuinely deserve. #WEAREONE

Soyons humains, juste humains #WeAreOne

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