
20 Déc Happy Holidays 2024 – behalf B1-AKT

On behalf of the B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication team, we wish you a warm and peaceful holiday season! After a year filled with many challenges, we hope you can take some well-deserved time to yourself. Thank you for everything you do!

As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect on a year of growth, innovation, and impactful collaborations at B1-AKT. Our commitment to sustainable development and transformative leadership has guided us through various initiatives, bringing us closer to our vision of fostering a better humanity.

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21 Nov The emergence of Transpersonal Coaching: A paradigm for holistic growth and leadership development

In recent years, particularly in Western cultures, there has been a growing awakening to the transpersonal dimension of human experience. This shift reflects an emergent need to uncover deeper meaning and purpose in all facets of life, extending beyond mere material success or profit-driven pursuits. Previously, such existential exploration was less urgent, as societal focus was rooted in lower levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, emphasizing survival, belonging, and material achievement. The convergence of affluence, globalization, and the secularization of modern society has brought the transpersonal into sharper focus, influencing both personal development and professional environments. Discover the entire article here:

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14 Août Les ETI doivent investir pour poursuivre leur croissance et leur transformation

Les entreprises de taille intermédiaire (ETI) sont des moteurs économiques clés, représentant une force majeure dans l’économie française avec 25 % des emplois et 34 % des exportations. Avec 75 % de leurs sites de production en zones rurales et villes moyennes ces entreprises doivent investir pour poursuivre leur croissance et leur transformation.

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03 Juil L’entreprise sensible

Maximiser le retour sur investissement ou le profit n’est plus suffisant. Pour survivre et prospérer il faut penser à la pérennité de l’entreprise, dans son environnement et avec l’ensemble de ses parties prenantes internes et externes.

Dans un monde où les défis sont de plus en plus complexes, la nécessité d’une entreprise sensible n’a jamais été aussi évidente. Elle s’accompagne de nouveaux modèles de leadership plus responsables valorisant à part égale l’humain et la performance. Pour une croissance pérenne, on doit prendre soin de soi et des autres.

Découvrez ci-dessous les 3 clefs de l’entreprise sensible ICI

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14 Mai B1-AKT Newsletter

Explorez les dimensions profondes de votre essence et de vos capacités d’action et d’influence. Venez-vous reconnecter à votre énergie primordiale et éveiller en vous le désir et les moyens de réaliser vos grands desseins. L’édition de mai de notre newsletter est disponible ici :

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07 Mar Advans Group-vers une stratégie perenne de développement

Un pas de plus vers une stratégie de développement pérenne d’Advans Group, des projets à engagement, valeur ajoutée et orientation client ! Formation complète « Pilotage et management de projets complexes », pour les équipes et hauts potentiels d’ADVANS Group, Avisto, Elsys Design et Mecagine. Pour en savoir plus sur la formation cliquez ici :

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09 Jan VŒUX 2023

Nous vous souhaitons nos meilleurs vœux et une nouvelle année à agir ensemble avec innovation, réalisation et impact ! Un grand merci aux equipes !

B1-AKT team is wishing you a Happy New Year filled with innovation, success, and a dash of magic. We are looking forward to another year of shared accomplishments and impact. Thank you to our B1-AKT team and all the people who made an impact this past year and who were « bridging » by creating meaningful connections and successful collaboration. Keep on bridging on 2024 !

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18 Avr Organisational Values Lab

Exceptional leaders know how to integrate power, collaboration, and influence to more effectively lead their organizations. Leadership success depends on the equal and judicious alignment of corporate culture, operations, and strategy.  The key to harnessing great ideas is an inclusive and collaborative environment. 
People are the driving heart in everything we do, and together with Stainless team we were happy to explore, solve, challenge and scale exciting new projects.

Together we have been able to forge a sustainable alloy based on strong values embedded in an organisational culture as to perform better and have higher levels of stakeholder engagement and satisfaction.  By aligning these values with those of society, organizations can be powerful forces for positive change! #togetherwegrowstronger STAINLESS, B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication

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01 Mar « Formation complète au pilotage et management de projets » inscrivez-vous à la prochaine session !

  • Développez vos talents et vos compétences avec une formation complète au pilotage et management de projets.
  • 3 jours pour acquérir tous les outils, les pratiques et les postures nécessaires au chef de projet (avec ou sans expérience).
  • Formation entièrement prise en charge (par vos OPCO), grâce à la certification Qualiopi de notre organisme de formation. 1890 € H.T.

En savoir plus sur la formation

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16 Déc A new generation of Leaders-LineUp 7

Développez une expertise de haut niveau au pilotage de projets avec B1-AKT !

Pilotez les enjeux stratégiques, la satisfaction client et les risques, maitrisez la complexité, les parties prenantes et managez les équipes pour améliorer votre performance globale. Formation finançable dans le cadre de la réglementation en cours, prise en charge possible par votre OPCO.

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23 Sep Leaders Inspirants


Formation des équipes de direction #PoleEmploi#FranceTravail#DAP#Responsablesdéquipe et tout ça avec le sourire…
#UniversitéDuManagement B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication

Pour devenir un leader inspirant et maîtriser la complexité, découvrez nos coachings et formations

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Pour « Be One Humanity / L’E.T.R.E – Entrepreneurs d’humanité » nous recherchons en France un lieu avec intérêt culturel, historique, architectural (type château, couvent, abbaye, bâtiments industriels, gare, sheds, hôpital, siège de banque ou d’entreprise, etc.) à racheter pour somme symbolique afin de créer un projet culturel, entrepreneurial et économique, citoyen et sociétal, ancré dans un territoire et une volonté de développement d’une région / d’une communauté de communes.

L’E.T.R.E est un Lieu pour Évoluer Transformer Repenser Entreprendre. Dans L’E.T.R.E, on crée, on forme, on apprend, on fait ensemble, on fabrique, on participe, on crée du lien social, de la citoyenneté… et on invente le monde.

Le Projet

Un projet entrepreneurial et économique pour un territoire résilient apprenant et inclusif. Un lieu hybride d’expérimentation et d’innovation : culturel, entrepreneurial et économique,citoyen et sociétal.

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This year, the report takes on special meaning. The year 2020 was immensely different from any in our history. Covid-19 began its spread across the world in heartbreaking ways, and the fight continues today to end this pandemic.

Devastating wildfires underscored the fragility of our planet and the clear and present threat of climate change. Tragic injustice revealed how much more we must do as a society to advance equity and social justice in our communities and countries. Millions struggled to put food on the table and a roof over their heads as the pandemic was on the rise…

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15 Mar L’outil en main

Creating knowledge, building confidence, and breaking down barriers to opportunity with « L’outil en main » association.

Traditional craftsmanship is in need of a new self-understanding and increased public awareness of its value to society.

Entire occupational fields are threatened with extinction along with their associated bodies of knowledge and skills, and it is high time that these negative tendencies be countered—not only as a sustainable answer to global mass-market production and excessive consumption, but also in the interest of providing future generations with training and career opportunities that are both sensible and promising.

#children, # open #door to a better life.

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13 Nov Strategic PMO with B1-AKT

Leading projects is challenging during the best of times – the current pandemic is surely going to make the job more difficult. If your PMO is on lockdown, as most of us are, we encourage you to try to find the positive amongst the storm.

In the world of business, we often don’t have the opportunity to stop and reflect on how the PMO is performing, communicating, or adding value to the organisation.

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15 Oct Our Newsletter is out

#Reliable, #Influential, #Essential Our B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication Insider Newsletter engages with the best minds and sharpest insights around biggest challenges. For #leaders building a #sustainable #future

Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay positive.  #WEAREONE

Please read here: B1-AKT INSIDER

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12 Oct Beyond the pandemic with B1-AKT

While many companies are past the initial emergency response, they now need to start looking ahead as well. Business requires a proactive and agile approach to business performance to address the immediate future beyond the pandemic and create a minimum viable & opportunity  plan.

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09 Oct « Crafting for Change » Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “ Crafting for Change. Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina.“  published by our Sustainable Leader & Designer Natalia Baudoin, in the academic magazine Economía Creativa from Centro University from Mexico. The article analyses the methodology as well as the results of Crafting for change Project that we support & fully endorse.

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30 Sep Catalogue conseil formation accompagnement B1 AKT Service Public & Collectivités Territoriales


Les élections municipales des 15 mars et 28 juin dernier 2020 ont amorcé un renouvellement important parmi les quelque 503 305 élus locaux que comptent nos 35 000 communes. La séquence électorale de 2021 amènera, quant à elle, nos concitoyens à élire 4 000 conseillers départementaux et 1 900 conseillers régionaux.

Dans ce contexte, B1-AKT, agence de conseil stratégique et organisme de formation spécialisée dans l’accompagnement des élus et de leurs équipes, vous propose d’être à vos côtés dans la mise en œuvre de vos projets locaux, dans l’évolution et la transformation des services proposés à vos administrés.

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21 Sep Why We Craft – Cultural Sustainability in Fashion -Project

We are very proud to announce that  our Global Sustainable Leader Monica Boța Moisin CEO Founder of  Cultural IP Rights Initiative  made it to the Finals of the European Social Innovation Competition with  WhyWeCraft – Cultural Sustainability in Fashion Project! Congratulations to all 10 Finalists!  

The 2020 Competition is titled Reimagine Fashion – changing behaviours for sustainable fashion.

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07 Sep Managing by Values with Yannick Le Guern

Managing by Values

Leaders understand it and tap into this “inner voice” to manifest their vision, values and culture, mission, strategies, and actions. Listen to it. Our inner voice calls us, nudges, or sometimes shoves us – into increasing levels of greatness. Particularly when we can focus on service to others: employees, customers, vendors, communities, and other stakeholders.

To lead with soul requires that you know what you deeply value, and you shape your life and business around your truest desires. It calls you to practice the art of presence, and to choose, daily, a way of living, leading, and working that contributes to wholeness and renewal.

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24 Juil Partnership Announcement

B1-AKT and MMG are pleased to announce they have entered into a global strategic partnership, combining B1-AKT’s leading management consulting services with MMG’s world class strategy-led enterprise delivery training services. The B1-AKT-MMG partnership brings together deep skills in business and strategy, product ideation, organizational change management, complex project steering and innovation labs, in order to help support clients through successful transformations. 

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Our Newsletter is out! « There are times when our work impacts us deeply — sometimes in ways we neither acknowledge nor understand. At B1-AKT, we believe that knowledge is most valuable when put to use for the greater good.

Change takes time. Social and environmental challenges such as persistent poverty, climate change or racism cannot be solved with a short-term mind-set.

Businesses and investors have the ability and the responsibility to help steer our world onto a more sustainable path. It is the beneficial impact of businesses and of human entrepreneurial spirit that we seek to harness in our bid to help, contributing towards a better world, for current and future generations. The impact you choose to highlight can be wide ranging and can affect many aspects of people’s lives.  We all have impact on the histories we are creating today! What is yours?

Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay positive.

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15 Mar Profiles of textile Artisans in Kutch, Gujarat, India Report

We are happy & proud to share with you the report of our international partner Cultural IP Rights Initiative: Profiles of textile Artisans in Kutch, Gujarat, India. A synopsis of the Report is available here: Synopsis

The innovative character of this field study stems from the cross-disciplinary approach and the exclusive focus on the textile artisan as right-holder.

The cultural perspective merges with a legal perspective and a business perspective so that the artisan is not reduced to a pion in the textile supply chain but viewed as an agent of cultural sustainability.

This Report is an academic resource which can be used in academic settings as well as business frameworks, by designers and textile industry professionals, conscious and culturally aware individuals interested in developing and maintaining sustainable collaborations and engaging in co-creation processes with artisan communities.

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18 Oct Launching B1-AKT Transnational Lab

Launching the « Transnational LAB » (action oriented LAB) with Yannick Le Guern and Laura Iuliana

B1-AKT and its leading thinkers are collaborating with global citizens all over Europe. It is gathering participants from 12 countries, across disciplines, in order to experiment and explore how to articulate a trans-national vision of Europe.


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19 Nov An Innovative International Awareness Campaign #NoWallsButBridges

B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development is launching a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue.

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22 Juin Holonomics Lab

« Business where people and planet matter »Holonomics approach is a concept we call ‘the dynamics of seeing’. The reason is that within general business practice there is an implicit assumption that the world ‘out there’ is a given and that people simply have different opinions about it. One of the qualities of a truly great designer is that the manner in which they experience the reality is dynamic, always searching for new ways of seeing and understanding the world.


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06 Déc New Leadership voices: Yannick Le Guern

Yannick Le Guern :

« For me, the new leadership is change making, driven by transcendent purposes and develops global sustainability.

In my opinion, new leadership must be based on :

  • values of humanism,
  • on a will of evolution
  • and concrete actions, to develop local sustainable communities, in a global context of interdependency.

The new leaders must be aware of a mission, ethically driven, developing axiological action, in other words: creating sustainable communities interacting around common values.


Yannick Le Guern :

« For me, the new leadership is change making, driven by transcendent purposes and develops global sustainability.

In my opinion, new leadership must be based on :

  • values of humanism,
  • on a will of evolution
  • and concrete actions, to develop local sustainable communities, in a global context of interdependency.

The new leaders must be aware of a mission, ethically driven, developing axiological action, in other words: creating sustainable communities interacting around common values.


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23 Nov Creative Europe & Sustainable Projects – B1 LAB by Yannick Le Guern

Executive Master Management & Entrepreneurship in the Creative Economy – Audencia Nantes.

#Lab #CreativeEurope #CreativeIndustries

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13 Nov Social Innovation to Tackle Fuel Poverty – COP 23

Ashoka and the Schneider Electric Foundation, in partnership with Enel and networking partner B1-AKT announce the 15 winners of the 2017-2018 “Social Innovation to Tackle Fuel Poverty” programme in Europe during COP23 in Bonn, Germany.

TFP17-18 COP23 Press Release B1AKT Ashoka

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27 Oct Migrant Integration Lab – Assemblée Nationale Française

Proud contributors to Mister Aurélien Taché’ s report on integration député LRM #Pour une #politique ambitieuse d’intégration des étrangers arrivant en France.”

Download report here: Pour une politique ambitieuse d’intégration des étrangers arrivant en France

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01 Oct Exciting New Partnership Announcement B1-AKT – Sciences-Po Refugee Help

Migrant Integration Lab- Sustainable Solutions and B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication are pleased to announce Sciences Po Refugee Help Leading Partnership.

Sciences Po Refugee Help is a student association working to uphold the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in France through short and long-term aid and integration.

Born in September 2015, at the heavily mediatised peak of the European refugee crisis, their goal was first and foremost to bring emergency humanitarian aid to street camps and housing centres in the Île de France region. Since, the association has also started working towards longer-term initiatives, specifically regarding the integration of asylum seekers and refugees.

More on:


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26 Août Sustainable Solutions for Leading Change

Sustainable Solutions for leading Change with B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication “Paragon Communication Lab”, against violence.

Context: UNESCO’s Academy of Young Women in Bucharest, Romania.


UNESCO Academy Women Europe B1-AKT Le Guern Petrache english UNESCO

Academy Women Europe B1-AKT Le Guern Petrache Romana

Violence against women and children has far-reaching consequences, resulting in significant death and disability. Developing cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures, and work with varying cultural beliefs and schedules.

The main question as to construct dialogue with the participants: « What are the specific postures, behaviors, tips in order to communicate and conduct Projects and become a global sustainable leader when you are a Woman?


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10 Août European Cooperation for Sustainable Integration

B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication and Migrant Integration Lab- Sustainable Solutions are proud to unite their forces to Refugees Foundation (e.V., Support for Refugees on the Run ) in Serbia.

Refugees Foundation was founded in Belgrade in August 2016 by two young people to make the world a better place. Since it was initiated, Refugees Foundation has been trying to improve educational and professional opportunities of young refugees.


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20 Juil B1-AKT Supporting Women Entrepreneurship

B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication is thrilled and proud to support and become partner of the Global WEP-women entrepreneurship.

The Global Women’s Enterprise Project is a web-based enterprise incubation platform targeted at meeting the full spectrum of startup needs for female entrepreneurs.

This includes business planning and strategy, financial management, idea scaling, and legal advice.

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22 Juin Cube. »Your take on Europe » teams up with B1-AKT and empowers the European future

CUBE. Your Take on Europe aims at educating, engaging and empowering young people across Europe to envisage the future they want to live in. CUBE gathers diverse opinions across the European Union and reinvigorates European civil society by amplifying these untold stories in Brussels. CUBE facilitates this process in three steps: it provides a workshop toolkit for teachers, creates a digital platform for European youth organisations, and aspires to become a European youth lobby.

Toolkit: CUBE provides a digital workshop toolkit on its website containing educational material triggering critical reflection on the future of the European Union:

The Toolkit is yours! The toolkit can be downloaded by teachers and facilitators. The workshops take place in your local school, ensuring that all youngsters can participate, regardless of their background. Within the familiarity of classrooms, individual counter-narratives can be shared while critical thinking is being fostered.

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15 Juin B1-AKT partner of the international EdYOUfest Festival

B1-AKT teams up with Oremis Plaisir d’Apprendre- EdYOUfest is led by a consortium of master teachers & entrepreneurs who share a vision of bringing the Start Up movement to education. We do this by sourcing amazing locations around the world, building very carefully curated communities of teachers and learners, doers and makers, creators, artists and investors, and bringing them all together for three and a half days of collaboration, sharing, and idea ignition. EdYOUfests usually begin on a Friday evening and conclude on a Tuesday morning.


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02 Avr B1-AKT is Shaping the cultural future of Europe

Актуелне прилике за успостављање партнерстава

B1 АКТ je организација из Француске, заинтересована за учешће у пројектима европске сарадње, а пре свега успостављање стратешког партнерства са организацијом из Србије која би била носилац пројекта. B1 АКТ има искуство као лидер у европским пројектима сарадње, и спремна је да пружи неопходну подршку као партнер.

Теме којима се баве тичу се културне, одрживе уметничке заједнице и глобалне активизма грађанства, као и питања европских интеграција.
Више о њима можете сазнати на и

Контакт е-мејл:;

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13 Mar B1-AKT & CNR UNESCO join their forces against violence


 « Academy of Young Women »

The fight against xenophobia, extremism and aggression

Romania – Bucharest August 2017

B1-AKT is honoured to assure an international workshop during the CNR-UNESCO’S ACADEMY OF YOUNG WOMEN, that will take place at in Romania, in August 2017.


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01 Mar Conference  » Linguistical politics and multilinguism in Europe » Y. Le Guern – L. Petrache

université paris diderot sorbonne these recherche langue B1-AKT le guern yannick Petrache1
Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache – B1-AKT donnent une conférence  sur le thème  » Apprentissage des langues et intégration sociale – Ressorts interculturels du Migrant Integration Lab « 

UFR d’études interculturelles de Langues Appliquées. Université Paris-Diderot.

Séminaire doctoral « Politiques Linguistiques et plurilinguisme en Europe ». Sous la direction de J.C. Herreras.


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19 Jan B1-AKT at the French Senate – AI Issues

B1-AKT, au Sénat pour les auditions sur l’Intelligence artificielle par l’Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques (OPECST).

The choice of whether to make artificial intelligence our servant, or whether to become its servant, remains ours, individually and, more important, collectively. The more powerful and pervasive artificial intelligence becomes, the more important it will be for human beings to recall what it is to be human, and to carve out the space — physical, mental, and economic — for that humanity to thrive.

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10 Déc Congrès mondial pour la pensée complexe – UNESCO


Congres Mondial pour la pensée complexe-Celebrating 70 years of UNESCO. Yannick Le Guern, Edgar Morin, Daniel Janicot, Pierre-Julien Dubost, Fulvio Caccia, Esther Dubois, Khadija Moudnib, Laura Petrache, les Mariannes de la République

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28 Nov Global Sustainable Leaders Meet up & Working Session

Our sustainable social and business models are creating a larger awareness and social Impact.


  • Promote International Development
  • Develop Sustainable Leaders by means of Programs and Trainings, Labs and Sustainable Learning
  • Promote cooperation with other countries

We Raise awareness about the actions carried out at local, national and international levels by institutions and governments in favor of innovation, dialogue, understanding and cooperation among peoples, cultures and religions and also act by implementing social and societal projects.

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17 Nov Migrant Integration Lab – RFI – Laura Petrache

«Migranţii şi romii au un punct comun : traversează o criză existenţială în ceeace priveşte integrarea lor socială» Laura Petrache

Cum să-i primim şi să-i integrăm mai bine pe migranţi şi pe membrii minorităţilor etnice ? Iată o întrebare la care încearcă să răspundă Laura Petrache. Românca în vârstă de 36 de ani, trăită şi formată în California după o primă parte a vieţii petrecută în România, s-a stabilit de peste un deceniu la Paris. Impreună cu soţul ei, Yannick Le Guern, ea a co-fondat societatea B1-AKT. Cu se ocupă această societate, ce misiuni şi-a fixat şi cu ce mijloace acţionează pe lângă migranţi.

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10 Nov Les Réfugiés seront les entrepreneurs de demain #MigrantsIntegrationLab

24 heures après l’élection de Donald Trump, Widoobiz a rencontré Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, dirigeants de la société B1-AKT / Leading Sustainable Strategies & Communication. Ils sont les créateurs du Premier laboratoire européen d’intégration des migrants, réfugiés et minorités ethniques, le « Migrant Integration Lab ».

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28 Oct Migrants Integration Lab at the European Commission

Building Migrant Integration Lab in Europe- Presenting the B1-AKT device”Migrant Integration Lab#European Commission #CabinetTimmermans

We empower Migrants / We Enhance Capacity Building / We create hybrid European Culture.

More Information on : Migrant Integration Lab

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06 Sep European Identity & interculturality projects – UNESCO Romania

European Identity & interculturality projects. A warm thank you to Daniela Popescu and Ani Matei – Unesco General Secretary – Romania.

Finding common ground

“Today we live in a “fractured world” and it is not only visible in world relations but is also continuously increasing, within societies. The rise of populism and protectionism is of concern to those who have relied on closer international cooperation to prosper.

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09 Fév Leadership and Innovation for developing business in Luxury – USA

B1-AKT reveals a successful story of beauty in the USA. Innovation for leaders design thinking business.

With her heart on her sleeve and a passion to empower, Kát has made every woman’s beauty her life. She believes that the path for a vibrant complexion at any age comes from choosing to be happy while living passionately, feeding the soul, feeding the body, and feeding the skin. #yourbeautyismylife #purebiotic

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