
10 Oct Gagnez le livré dédicacé : « A l’aube de l’humanité- Idées concrétés pour changer le monde »

Pour le printemps, gagnez notre livre où vous découvrirez les clefs de l’évolution du monde à venir, les nouvelles méthodes de management humaniste et le renouveau des engagements citoyens pour donner du sens à vos vies.

5 gagnants seront tirés au sort le 20 mars 2023. Bonne chance ! 

Pour participer à ce concours et gagner le livre:

  1. Suivez les auteurs Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache sur vos réseaux sociaux préférés:

2. Partagez le message et le visuel suivi du hashtag #beonehumanity

3. Taguez 4 amis qui aiment lire et veulent changer le monde !

4. Taguez les auteurs Yannick le Guern et Laura Petrache

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B1-AKT is launching a Unique, Crowdfunding Campaign called BE ONE HUMANITY. The goal of the campaign is to fund, develop and grow citizen entrepreneurial projects in order to build “a better humanity” , develop positive impact & deliver sustainable solutions to worldwide crises. Become game changers and enterprise a better world with us! Spread the word on social media by using #beonehumanity hashtag.


Find out more information and more ways to support us here: BE ONE HUMANITY

Read and share our founder’s Call here : BE ONE HUMANITY CALL TO ACTION

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This year, the report takes on special meaning. The year 2020 was immensely different from any in our history. Covid-19 began its spread across the world in heartbreaking ways, and the fight continues today to end this pandemic.

Devastating wildfires underscored the fragility of our planet and the clear and present threat of climate change. Tragic injustice revealed how much more we must do as a society to advance equity and social justice in our communities and countries. Millions struggled to put food on the table and a roof over their heads as the pandemic was on the rise…

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08 Sep At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world

We are happy to share with you the release of the book « At the dawn of humanity: Enterprise a better world »

By Laura Petrache & Yannick Le Guern, Preface by Jonathan Midwood

Insight: At the time when many have lost hope amidst pandemic times, terrorism, environmental destruction, economic inequality and breakdown of our democracies, this philosophic and politic essay provides ideas on how to rethink and reform our Society to create a better humanity.

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25 Jan ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’

We are very happy to share with you this great news: the book ‘Migration, Equality & Racism – 44 opinions’ is now available! Special thank you to our founder Laura Petrache and our Global Sustainable Leader Angela Tacea.

More than 80 VUB academics and co-authors joined forces for this book. Philosophers, lawyers, psychologists, health scientists, sociologists, geographers, criminologists, communication and political scientists … look at migration, equality and racism from different disciplinary angles. Together they aim to contribute to an exercise of humanism as a praxis of criticism or a ‘technique of trouble-making’, in the words of Edward Said.

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09 Oct « Crafting for Change » Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina

We are very happy to announce the publication of the article “ Crafting for Change. Two co-creation experiences in France and Argentina.“  published by our Sustainable Leader & Designer Natalia Baudoin, in the academic magazine Economía Creativa from Centro University from Mexico. The article analyses the methodology as well as the results of Crafting for change Project that we support & fully endorse.

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13 Jan Transcending Identities – A Greater Europe

By Laura Petrache and Yannick Le Guern

“The only thing constant is change” We all have heard this phrase. Maybe so much that we tune it out as a “cliché”. The world around us is constantly disrupting us, everywhere in our lives. Surely one will answer: we cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. But, how do we respond to change, and more importantly how can we influence or even spark it?


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25 Déc De l’« invasion » à la nouvelle cité – Vers une Magna Europa

Article : De l’« invasion » à la nouvelle cité – Vers une Magna Europa

Laura Petrache et Yannick Le Guern ont créé un modèle d’intégration global, pérenne et européen des migrants pour transformer une crise en opportunité, basée sur un projet politique, sur des engagements citoyens individuels et collectifs renouvelés. Nous leur avons demandé si nous pouvions établir un rapprochement avec l’histoire de la Magna Graecia et en tirer un enseignement pour créer cette Europe humaine et visionnaire dont ils parlent, et qu’ils appelleront « Magna Europa ».

Propos recueillis par Karine Trotel – Magazine Ribelli, N°1, 2019 (suite…)

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13 Sep B1-AKT Impact report 2015-2020

Welcome to the Impact Report for B1-AKT. This report brings together and describes the many positive changes that we bring about for the people, enterprises, and communities that we touched in France and overseas.

The report is intended for our staff teams, local and international partners, and numerous other stakeholders who share an interest in our work. We hope that you enjoy reading the report and that it adequately conveys the incredible contribution that everyone at the B1-AKT made towards achieving our sustainable impact.

Download here : 2019 B1 AKT Impact Report


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04 Juin Pour une diplomatie citoyenne ouverte

Campagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisation internationale citoyenne, en faveur de l’intégration pérenne des migrants et des publics en difficulté.



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13 Mai #NoWallsButBridges – White Paper Report on Sustainable Migrant Integration – Petrache – Le Guern

“A grass root Public Policy – International Awareness campaign”


B1-AKT //Migrant Integration Lab within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development launched a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue concerning migrant solutions for sustainable integration developed in the Migrant Integration Lab device (a global device for sustainable integration).


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30 Jan 4C’s From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture

Proud to announce the Sustainable Partnership with the 4C’s -From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture.

The 4C’s is a European Cooperation Project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. The 4Cs seeks to understand how training and education in art and culture can constitute powerful resources to address the issue of conflict as well as to envision creative ways in which to deal with conflictual phenomena, while contributing to audience development through active participation and co-production. The project aims at advancing the conceptual framework of intercultural dialogue and enhancing the role of public arts and cultural institutions in fostering togetherness through cultural diversity and intercultural encounters.

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19 Nov An Innovative International Awareness Campaign #NoWallsButBridges

B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development is launching a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue.

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23 Mar B1-AKT crafts for change with SONU

B1-AKT is proud to announce the partnership with SONU – Sorbonne pour l’Organisation des Nations Unies.

Crafting for Change is a project from the Development Division from Sorbonne for the United Nations Organisation SONU. This project aims to help communities in distress through the development of craftsmanship.


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25 Fév Migrant Integration Lab / Migrant Entrepreneurship in Europe

Migrant Integration Lab / Europe

Laura Petrache is talking about migrant entrepreneurship, mentors & migrant relation, intercultural dialogue and networking By supporting migrant and social entrepreneurship we enable others in the wider community to recognize the contributions which migrants bring and this is a very important issue.


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2018-02-19 Report migrant integration solutions short version B1-AKT Yannick Le Guern Laura Petrache



« A sustainable solution to a world-wide crisis »


The purpose of this report is to serve as a guide for national and international integration governments, actors and facilitators, policy makers, to turn a crisis into a societal, economic, cultural and sustainable development advantage.

This report is based on

  • The description of a holistic device of migrants* sustainable integration designed & created by B1-AKT
  • Practical integration experiments in 7 countries,
  • Feedback, evaluation and international benchmark as to extract efficient integration practices.


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28 Nov Iconic Pavlina Proteou – CEO of Beyond CSR

Founder and CEO of Beyond CSR, a startup social entrepreneurship organization, aiming at turning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into a Systemic Change and Impact Investment Tool, linking today’s to tomorrow’s business models. We map out the territory for grass roots initiatives, projects that bring innovative solutions that respond to social challenges. Currently we are working on 40+ project, on 40/50+ Start uppers and launching Social Entrepreneurship Clusters, the best idea of our grass roots solutions oriented social media Digital Diplomacy campaign on Refugee Crisis.

Read more on:


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27 Oct Migrant Integration Lab – Assemblée Nationale Française

Proud contributors to Mister Aurélien Taché’ s report on integration député LRM #Pour une #politique ambitieuse d’intégration des étrangers arrivant en France.”

Download report here: Pour une politique ambitieuse d’intégration des étrangers arrivant en France

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14 Oct How Migrant Entrepreneurship could shape Good Long-Term Economic Growth of Europe

Umesh Mukhi, Founding Director, Sustainable Leadership Initiative,

The migrant crisis has been one of the most prominent issues faced by European Union. I think its crucial to find change-makers who are trying to create significant social impact by training migrants to become competitive work force for EU. I had a chance to meet Yannick Le Guern & Laura Petrache and ask them few questions about their initiative MIGRANT INTEGRATION LAB which aims to resolve such complex issue. I hope readers would be able to draw some inspiration and insights to follow their path.

  • The project seems to be very unique, can you share with us about what were the key motivators to pursue Migrant Lab?

Yes, indeed it actually is and not seems to be . As I encountered some of the issues that migrants are encountering now days and after an experience in Syrian ground, I wanted to build together with Yannick the co-founder of MIGRANT INTEGRATION LAB, a global European device permitting the sustainable integration of migrants and ethnic minorities. For us a welcoming culture is one that contributes by helping migrants, newcomers and their families overcome obstacles in all areas of life, while also providing business start-up assistance and targeted employment. This is why we facilitate and foster economic and social integration of migrants by supporting them in the development of new business initiatives.



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01 Oct Exciting New Partnership Announcement B1-AKT – Sciences-Po Refugee Help

Migrant Integration Lab- Sustainable Solutions and B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication are pleased to announce Sciences Po Refugee Help Leading Partnership.

Sciences Po Refugee Help is a student association working to uphold the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in France through short and long-term aid and integration.

Born in September 2015, at the heavily mediatised peak of the European refugee crisis, their goal was first and foremost to bring emergency humanitarian aid to street camps and housing centres in the Île de France region. Since, the association has also started working towards longer-term initiatives, specifically regarding the integration of asylum seekers and refugees.

More on: http://refugeehelp.fr/home/aboutus/index.html


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10 Août European Cooperation for Sustainable Integration

B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication and Migrant Integration Lab- Sustainable Solutions are proud to unite their forces to Refugees Foundation (e.V., Support for Refugees on the Run ) in Serbia.

Refugees Foundation was founded in Belgrade in August 2016 by two young people to make the world a better place. Since it was initiated, Refugees Foundation has been trying to improve educational and professional opportunities of young refugees.


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21 Juin B1-AKT and Beyond CSR – Game Changers: the 40+ Project

BeyondCSR within the context of its Global Goals on Sustainable Development Initiatives, launches in collaboration with Impact Hub Athens, on Tuesday March 14th, at 18:00-21:00 at the premises of Impact Hub “The 40+ project: The GameChangers”; with the support (among others) of: B1-AKT, European Parliament’s Representation in Greece, European Commission’s Representation to Greece, The Embassy of Israel, The Kingdom of the Netherlands in Greece, Hellenic Federation of IT and Telecoms (SEPE), the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, the Hellenic Start-up Association, ESADE Business and Law School Alumni, the Circle of Inspiring Women for Sustainable Development (CIWOS), and the New Consumers Institute of Greece.

The idea: Global Goals 4,5, 8, 10; Tackle social, age, gender stereotypes and inequality, promote career change to 40+ age group.



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02 Avr B1-AKT is Shaping the cultural future of Europe

Актуелне прилике за успостављање партнерстава

B1 АКТ je организација из Француске, заинтересована за учешће у пројектима европске сарадње, а пре свега успостављање стратешког партнерства са организацијом из Србије која би била носилац пројекта. B1 АКТ има искуство као лидер у европским пројектима сарадње, и спремна је да пружи неопходну подршку као партнер.

Теме којима се баве тичу се културне, одрживе уметничке заједнице и глобалне активизма грађанства, као и питања европских интеграција.
Више о њима можете сазнати на www.b1-akt.com. и http://www.artsetmondes.com.

Контакт е-мејл: lp@b1-akt.com; ylg@b1-akt.com

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27 Mar Meeting and Coaching Migrant Project bearers – Wow Labs

« B1-AKT Migrant Integration Lab Mentors – Laura Petrache & Yannick Le Guern – meeting and coaching Migrant Entrepreneurs within Wow Labs»

#SustainableCommunities #Entrepreneurship #ProjectBearers #SocialInnovation

Migrant Integration LAB –A Transnational Pattern

 “A welcoming culture is one that contributes by helping migrants,newcomers and their families overcome obstacles in all areas of life while also providing targeted employment and business start-up assistance”. 

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01 Mar Partnership for Migrant Entrepreneurship


B1-AKT Migrant Integration Lab & Make Sense unite for Migrant Entrepreneurship support and incubation.

B1-AKT – Migrant Integration Lab & MakeSense s’associent afin de donner l’opportunité aux migrants et réfugiés d’être accompagnés dans leurs démarches entrepreneuriales par une équipe spécialisée et par un réseau de mentors en postulant à l’appel à projet pour participer au programme MENT – Migrant Entrepreneur team up with mentors.


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25 Fév B1-AKT and CMA-Life Long Learning World Commitee join forces

 « B1-AKT  teams-up with CMA in order to build 1000 learning territories world-wide»

The original goal that led to the creation of the World Committee, stemmed from the observation that the lifelong learning concept had evolved in the 1990s from a recommendation to a necessity, owing to the advent of the Knowledge Society, in which the sharing of knowledge and skills are a key factor.

CMA is an international NGO in active partnership with UNESCO. They all share a strong determination to contribute to a harmonious development of the lifelong learning sector.
The World Committee was created in 2004 by a team of French, Chinese, North-American and Quebec professionals.


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09 Déc Yannick Le Guern and Laura Petrache joined the Board of Beyond CSR

We are proud to announce our partnership and collaboration with Beyond CSR – UK  in Creative Leadership, Design Thinking Labs, Awareness Campaigns, Policy and Culture Innovation. Experts on Complex Issues & Sustainable Communities Builders. Excited to be part of the board!

Based in UK, BeyondCSRNet are a team of experts from diverse backgrounds committed in social innovation and entrepreneurship as cornerstones of impact activity.

They turn CSR into an Impact Investement tool. Develop CSR into a Systemic Change Mechanism.Design tailor-made funding solutions in order to support international or regional projectsof wide social impact within  that lead to Community Development and Systemic Change.

More on : Beyond CSR

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24 Nov Tribune pour une véritable politique européenne d’intégration des migrants

« Tribune pour une véritable politique européenne d’intégration des migrants »

Quelques semaines après le démentellement de la jungle de calais, les questions de fond ne sont toujours pas résolues, faute d’avoir été posées, … et surtout entendues par les pouvoirs publics. Sur le terrain, les associations font du mieux qu’elles peuvent pour répondre à des situations de crises, d’urgence permettant de pallier l’indigence et la honte du non-accueil des réfugiés politiques, ou économiques.

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18 Nov Dispositif d’intégration pérenne des migrants – Assemblée Nationale

Présentation du dispositif d’intégration pérenne des migrants – Assemblée Nationale.

A migration crisis? Facts, challenges and sustainable solutions-Migrant Integration Lab – Laura Petrache, Yannick Le Guern

Since the beginning of 2014, approximately 800,000 people have arrived at EU borders through irregular channels, fleeing conflict and violence at home or in search of a better life abroad. This migration surge has become a highly sensitive political issue, generating intense political and public debate and exacerbating pre-existing weaknesses in immigration systems across Europe.

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10 Nov Les Réfugiés seront les entrepreneurs de demain #MigrantsIntegrationLab

24 heures après l’élection de Donald Trump, Widoobiz a rencontré Yannick Le Guern et Laura Petrache, dirigeants de la société B1-AKT / Leading Sustainable Strategies & Communication. Ils sont les créateurs du Premier laboratoire européen d’intégration des migrants, réfugiés et minorités ethniques, le « Migrant Integration Lab ».

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