juin 2020

29 Juin Emission/Webinar 2020-07-06 : « Vers une humanité meilleure ? Towards a Better humanity ? » Invité Umesh Mukhi

Webinar gratuit sur Zoom – LIEN: https://fgv-br.zoom.us/j/95361307663

Meeting ID: 953 6130 7663

Date : Lundi 6 juillet

Heure : 18h – 19h Paris Time

Questions abordées :

Quelles sont les mutations concrètes du monde ? Vers quoi vont-elles ? Que sont les changements de paradigmes sociétaux, les nouvelles aspirations des individus et des peuples ? Comment interpréter la montée de la violence, des revendications et l’accélération de la remise en cause de ces paradigmes ? Quels sont les nouveaux engagements/responsabilités citoyens individuels et collectifs ? Peut-on évoluer lors des périodes de chaos ? Quelles sont les destructions-créatrices nécessaires ?

Intervenants :

Umesh Mukhi : Professeur en Management et Leadership – FGV EAESP, São Paulo School of Business Administration, Ambassadeur culturel Unesco, Co-Fondateur du réseau Global Sustainable Leaders.

Interviewé par Yannick Le Guern – Professeur en Sciences de Gestion et Entrepreneuriat, Président de B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication, journaliste, prospectiviste, entrepreneur, humaniste, co-fondateur de nombreux Think Tanks et du réseau international Global Sustainable Leaders.

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19 Juin Connectivity Forum « From Ancestors to Artificial Intelligence. Case study Minoan Civilization ». Best practices and lessons learned for the #SDGs

Our UK based partner BeyondCSR is presenting Monday June 22nd to July 2nd, the first Connectivity Forum « From Ancestors to Artificial Intelligence. Case study Minoan Civilization ». Best practices and lessons learned for the #SDGs.

This event is held under the auspices of B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication, École des Ponts Business School, UN SDSN Greece, Εθνικός Οργανισμός Τουρισμού – ΕΟΤ (Greek National Tourism Organization – GNTO) , Cultural IP Initiative and Led By Her.

Why, Minoan Civilization: Minoan Civilization. as an archetypal connecting point, providing (potential) retrospective reference anchors to ideas that might be important for the future. The focus of the conference is on sustainability and resilience.

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Our Newsletter is out! « There are times when our work impacts us deeply — sometimes in ways we neither acknowledge nor understand. At B1-AKT, we believe that knowledge is most valuable when put to use for the greater good.

Change takes time. Social and environmental challenges such as persistent poverty, climate change or racism cannot be solved with a short-term mind-set.

Businesses and investors have the ability and the responsibility to help steer our world onto a more sustainable path. It is the beneficial impact of businesses and of human entrepreneurial spirit that we seek to harness in our bid to help, contributing towards a better world, for current and future generations. The impact you choose to highlight can be wide ranging and can affect many aspects of people’s lives.  We all have impact on the histories we are creating today! What is yours?

Stay healthy, stay hopeful, stay positive.

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12 Juin The New Normal

When you are invited to talk in great events about CHANGE, you need to pick one of the two primary options:

Option A- be smart, be safe, and tell: The infusion of new disruptive practices will be great, and moving forward it will be greater.
Option B- take risks, listen your gut, expose and embrace the uncertainties, and tell:


When you are invited to talk in great events about CHANGE, you need to pick one of the two primary options:

Option A- be smart, be safe, and tell: The infusion of new disruptive practices will be great, and moving forward it will be greater.
Option B- take risks, listen your gut, expose and embrace the uncertainties, and tell:

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