04 Juin Pour une diplomatie citoyenne ouverte
Campagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisation internationale citoyenne, en faveur de l’intégration pérenne des migrants et des publics en difficulté.
Campagne de sensibilisation et de mobilisation internationale citoyenne, en faveur de l’intégration pérenne des migrants et des publics en difficulté.
B1-AKT //Migrant Integration Lab within the context of its global awareness campaign initiatives inspired by the Global Goals for Sustainable Development launched a grass root Public Policy/Citizens Diplomacy International awareness campaign, an open social media dialogue concerning migrant solutions for sustainable integration developed in the Migrant Integration Lab device (a global device for sustainable integration).
« A sustainable solution to a world-wide crisis »
The purpose of this report is to serve as a guide for national and international integration governments, actors and facilitators, policy makers, to turn a crisis into a societal, economic, cultural and sustainable development advantage.
This report is based on
The migrant crisis has been one of the most prominent issues faced by European Union. I think its crucial to find change-makers who are trying to create significant social impact by training migrants to become competitive work force for EU. I had a chance to meet Yannick Le Guern & Laura Petrache and ask them few questions about their initiative MIGRANT INTEGRATION LAB which aims to resolve such complex issue. I hope readers would be able to draw some inspiration and insights to follow their path.
Yes, indeed it actually is and not seems to be . As I encountered some of the issues that migrants are encountering now days and after an experience in Syrian ground, I wanted to build together with Yannick the co-founder of MIGRANT INTEGRATION LAB, a global European device permitting the sustainable integration of migrants and ethnic minorities. For us a welcoming culture is one that contributes by helping migrants, newcomers and their families overcome obstacles in all areas of life, while also providing business start-up assistance and targeted employment. This is why we facilitate and foster economic and social integration of migrants by supporting them in the development of new business initiatives.
Migrant Integration Lab- Sustainable Solutions and B1-AKT-Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication are pleased to announce Sciences Po Refugee Help Leading Partnership.
Sciences Po Refugee Help is a student association working to uphold the rights of refugees and asylum seekers in France through short and long-term aid and integration.
Born in September 2015, at the heavily mediatised peak of the European refugee crisis, their goal was first and foremost to bring emergency humanitarian aid to street camps and housing centres in the Île de France region. Since, the association has also started working towards longer-term initiatives, specifically regarding the integration of asylum seekers and refugees.
Актуелне прилике за успостављање партнерстава
B1 АКТ je организација из Француске, заинтересована за учешће у пројектима европске сарадње, а пре свега успостављање стратешког партнерства са организацијом из Србије која би била носилац пројекта. B1 АКТ има искуство као лидер у европским пројектима сарадње, и спремна је да пружи неопходну подршку као партнер.
Теме којима се баве тичу се културне, одрживе уметничке заједнице и глобалне активизма грађанства, као и питања европских интеграција.
Више о њима можете сазнати на www.b1-akt.com. и http://www.artsetmondes.com.
Контакт е-мејл: lp@b1-akt.com; ylg@b1-akt.com
« Debate on languages – wor(l)ds and cultures – by Laura Petrache at Rosa Parks Center »
« Debate on languages – wor(l)ds and cultures – by Laura Petrache at Rosa Parks Center » The Power of words!
UFR d’études interculturelles de Langues Appliquées. Université Paris-Diderot.
Séminaire doctoral « Politiques Linguistiques et plurilinguisme en Europe ». Sous la direction de J.C. Herreras.