2018-02-19 Report migrant integration solutions short version B1-AKT Yannick Le Guern Laura Petrache



« A sustainable solution to a world-wide crisis »


The purpose of this report is to serve as a guide for national and international integration governments, actors and facilitators, policy makers, to turn a crisis into a societal, economic, cultural and sustainable development advantage.

This report is based on

  • The description of a holistic device of migrants* sustainable integration designed & created by B1-AKT
  • Practical integration experiments in 7 countries,
  • Feedback, evaluation and international benchmark as to extract efficient integration practices.


This report is the fruit of “Migrant Integration Lab” device experimentation and it is based on a collaborative approach, by bringing together diverse stakeholders that represent refugee communities, academic institutions, private and state institutions, entrepreneurs and investors who are co-creating an enabling environment to develop tangible and sustainable solutions, responding to the multidimensional challenges of migrant crisis, helping in effect to build inclusive communities.


Europe has a mixed and not very encouraging record on integrating immigrants, both socially and economically. This dates from when the volume of arrivals was more manageable. Lessons must be drawn from those shortcomings. At the same time, national and local authorities must grapple with very immediate problems of relocating, housing, employing and in some cases educating newcomers. France’s responses have to date been focused far more on burden-sharing than on how to resolve these integration challenges. On top of this, there is the ‘ security’ dimension of the crisis. An equally significant issue is the absence of longer-term thinking and sustainability issues.

Our recommendations, good ideas, sustainable solutions for turning the refugee and economic migrant crisis to France’s and Europe’s advantage:

1.      Creating a 3 steps efficient & holistic process of sustainable integration


Step One:  A global process of integration

Step Two:  Professionalizing and training the main stake-holders and integration facilitators.

Step Three: Steering the integration ecosystem for a better coordination of actions & stakeholders


2.      View Migration as a chance for France and Europe‘s economic growth, territory revitalization and Provide Sustainable Frameworks to strengthen communities


3.      Develop of a “pre” and “post-employment” mentoring toolkit and Provide accurate migrant skills profiling and labor market needs assessment


4.      Strengthen entrepreneurial education and training (entrepreneurship friendly environment for both migrants and native –born population) and help migrant entrepreneurs through access to credit


5.      Acknowledge the benefits of immigration by crafting a positive, new narrative on integration:  Developing sustainable communities and intercultural dialogue


6.      Rethink Migration from the perspective of Movement and Create transnational frameworks and policies


7.      Provide dialogic teaching, tailored services and centered learning sessions for Newcomers & vulnerable groups


8.      Make it Sustainable



 Our response: Migrant Integration Lab

 The “Migrant Integration Lab” device was designed by B1-AKT and implemented already in 7 countries. It is based on the elaboration of:

  1. A Global Ecosystem regrouping National and International actors, Stakeholders, Institutions working on Sustainable integration issues
  1. A Global Process of Newcomers Integration:  

 This is achieved by Training and Capacity building and/or reinforcement via LABS, based on 4 simultaneous PILLARS:

  • Linguistic (social & cultural pillar)
  • Economic integration (“job targeting” & “entrepreneurship” mentoring ) pillar
  • Civism (citizenship) pillar
  • Intercultural dialogue (sustainable communities & hybrid identity) pillar


  1. The Training Methodology for newcomers and targeted public, but also for the main stakeholders at national level


  1. A European Network as to permit good practices exchange and enable transnational cooperation.


*Concerned public:

  • Newcomers – Migrants, Refugees, Newcomers
  • Ethnic minorities and communities
  • Disadvantaged and vulnerable groups – 2nd and 3rd generation, women and youth
  • Unemployed nationals – specific cases


For more and detailed information please shoot us a message! We are happy to share contact@b1-akt.com
