14 Août Les ETI doivent investir pour poursuivre leur croissance et leur transformation
Les entreprises de taille intermédiaire (ETI) sont des moteurs économiques clés, représentant une force majeure dans l’économie française avec 25 % des emplois et 34 % des exportations. Avec 75 % de leurs sites de production en zones rurales et villes moyennes ces entreprises doivent investir pour poursuivre leur croissance et leur transformation.
Plusieurs ETI (Entreprise de taille intermédiaire) ont désormais enclenché leurs processus de transformation digitale. En effet, intégrer de nouvelles technologies d’information et de communication entraîne de nouveaux usages et donc de nouveaux modes de fonctionnement dans ces entreprises. Ces nouveaux modes de fonctionnement modifient ensuite la façon dont sont organisées les grandes entreprises, et peuvent générer des opportunités de développement et de croissance en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives en matière d’innovation et de transformation.
Impact sociétal, environnemental, digitalisation, attractivité des talents, transmission et compétitivité font partie de vos défis en tant que ETI ? Pour répondre à vos enjeux B1-AKT a élaboré des offres sur-mesure. contact@b1-akt.com
Photo @B1-AKT. Développement d’ETI, pépite française Diptyque Paris. Travail avec B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Communication sur les enjeux stratégiques et le développement perenne des ETI.
Global context of Medium Scale Companies:
Despite volatile market conditions, small and mid-market businesses (SMBs) are optimistic about the year ahead. However, headwinds, including high inflation, rising costs, labor shortages, talent attracting and retaining, and other factors will continue to impact revenues. They also face unique challenges that require a delicate balance of resources, strategy, and innovation, as we head into 2024, SMBs must also navigate emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), regulatory, ESG, and other supply chain and operational issues. In an age where consumers wear their values on their sleeves, these companies must align with sustainability and ethics.
The Growth Conundrum. Medium-sized businesses find themselves in a transitional phase. They’ve successfully navigated the early stages, but they are not yet corporate behemoths with deeper pockets, vast resources, and proven processes. As a medium sized business expands, they face numerous challenges:
- Resource Allocation: With growth comes the need for more resources, from personnel to equipment and infrastructure. Allocating these resources efficiently while ensuring the core business doesn’t suffer can be challenging.
- Maintaining Company Culture: Smaller businesses often pride themselves on their tight-knit company culture. As the workforce grows, preserving this culture can become increasingly difficult.
- Operational Scaling: Expanding the business requires adapting or overhauling operational processes to handle increased demand, which can strain existing systems.
- Market Positioning: Medium-sized businesses must fight for their share of the market against both small, nimble startups and large, well-established corporations.
For these type of companies with annual revenues between 100 and 500 million, development objectives are changing the perspectives and are requiring prioritization, rigor, and structuring as management errors can have harsh consequences. Strategy, management, communication, value-added and performance management must therefore be taken to a superior level.
Because many medium-sized companies have grown organically, they have not prioritized linking and integrating their disparate systems and governance models, which leads to a crucial weakness in management and performance. Are occurring errors of projects dispersion and inefficiency. Problems as important costs, lack of performance low effectiveness, burn out, can therefore, be fatal to companies. While the initial hurdle of starting up a business may be in the rear-view mirror for most medium-sized organizations, there is still a delicate balance of resource allocation, strategic planning, and innovation.
In order to overcome these hurdles B1-AKT can help your company to:
- implement a viable process structuring their needs.
- build a strategic project portfolio management and project prioritization system.
- maximize growth and efficiency by improving their performance / increase added value and control margins.
- strengthen their management and middle management teams.
- implement of refocusing development strategies.
- build up on their talent management, organizational learning, employer brand.
- apply an international and intercultural communication strategy.
- steer an integrated approach of their development strategy and manage growth effectively.
Each of these approaches to productivity & management improvement can feed and fund growth more easily than mere cost cutting. They significantly enhance enterprise value, which will put your company in a better position. None of these things can be done in a vacuum or by functional leaders acting by themselves. Whether managing working capital, reshaping cost structures, or driving digitalization, CEOs and CFOs from middle-market enterprises must overcome misalignment among leadership, build buy-in across their organizations, and organize this effort for growth by focusing on change management.
They must clearly demonstrate and communicate success through validation points along this productivity journey. The long-term and ongoing culture change activities and interventions that will come will help shape a culture that celebrates cost management and growth simultaneously.